003 Becoming A Creator God

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Ulin Space

While lost in thought, a scroll suddenly materialized in front of Ulin. He recognized that only those assigned to study the changes on the planet, which fell under tower six, had the authority to send reports like this. As he examined the report, it contained only one sentence.

[Found changes in the planet, loss of a large amount of energy]

Upon seeing this, he quickly closed his eyes and synchronized the timeline with the outside universe. When dealing with planets, changes could only be observed after millions or billions of years. Therefore, time flowed differently in this realm. One year here was equivalent to a thousand years in the outside universe.

Ulin then swiped his hand and summoned the reporter. Standing before the Creator God, the reporter instinctively attempted to kneel, but Ulin stopped him.

"No need to kneel, just tell me what happened, Berengar."

Berengar nodded and continued, "Lord, our group was responsible for the Easarth planet. It is a planet with technological inheritance and is governed by human civilization. Easarth is only 2.763 billion years old, but many people are already exploring the universe. To slow down their outward development, tower 7 decided to introduce magical inheritance. Everything was progressing well, but 7 hours ago, Easarth Planet experienced a significant energy loss. Since we can't observe the planet's interior, we've come to seek your guidance."

Ulin recalled making changes to the Easarth planet, but due to the sheer volume of work, he never paid much attention to the details. He mechanically followed the report, not delving into the specifics. Even if something went wrong, it was just one planet. Additionally, the workers possessed a quality of perfectionism; with their deep understanding of the task, they rarely made incorrect decisions.

Summoning the virtual projection of the universe, Ulin searched for the Easarth planet. He observed a celestial body surrounded by a blue barrier. Unless physically present, this was the only aspect he could perceive.

Perhaps a genuine Creator God could see inside, but Ulin was just a pseudo creator god. The only way for him to comprehend the planet's situation was by communicating with ALTARK, the universe's consciousness. This process required a substantial amount of void energy. If he wasn't concerned about the potential attack from another universe, he truly wouldn't want to squander his void energy.

After some time, he finally received a message from ALTARK.


'So, there is finally a new origin universe in our unverse. I don't know if there is an intelligent creature inside or not.'

The ALTARK universe was also formed from the origin universe, and after serving as a pseudo-creator for quite some time, Ulin had acquired extensive knowledge about the origin universe.

The origin universe lacked pure consciousness, merely moving around unconsciously. Therefore, the process of forming a new universe might take a million or even a billion supereons unless someone took control of it.

Initially, the original space would absorb various small elements such as light, gas, dust, microorganisms, etc.

Over time, these microorganisms would undergo multiple evolutions, eventually leading to the creation of an intelligent creature. Following the emergence of an intelligent creature, moments would arise when it begins a selection process to choose the suitable individual.

The selected individual would then fully merge with the original space, possessing complete authority over it. In the multiverse, this type of person is also known as the creator god.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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