Ch. 11: Getting In Deeper

Start from the beginning

"Maybe she was just going to push me into one of the stalls and rob me." I turn to Max. "When you were in your meeting, I saw a drug sale go down really close to Gino's VIP table. It surprised me. But if that kind of thing goes on in the club, maybe it's not so usual to be accosted in the bathroom by someone who wants money for drugs. It could have been just random."

"It could," Max says, but I'm not a big believer in coincidences. "First you're followed in Miami and some guy tries to get you in a car. Now you're the person this happens to in a restroom in Brooklyn in a club Gino owns?" He shakes his head. "I'm not buying random."

"You don't think someone followed us from Miami, do you?"

"That seems a little farfetched," Max agrees, "but people in Miami also have connections in New York. I do."

Gabe gets up to get another cup of coffee, and I study Max.

"Maybe you were the target. I mean, scaring me was just a way to get at you."

"I'm going to keep you close to me the rest of this trip," Max says, his eyes intense as he stares directly into mine. "Very close."

I nod. Being under Max's protection is not something I'm about to shrug off. But I also am not oblivious to the double entendre in the way he said "very close."

Then something clicks with me that he said earlier.

"Wait, did you say we're meeting Gino for lunch by the pool at his hotel?"

"Yes," Max says. "Problem?"

"Um, I guess that's why you texted me to bring a bikini."

"And you didn't?"

"I thought you were joking. Who brings a bikini to Manhattan?"

Max settles back in his chair. His face is stern but his eyes are laughing.

"Did you forget about that little conversation we had about you doing what I tell you and asking questions later?"

Ooops. "I seriously thought you were joking."

"Well," Max says, "we have a few options here." He leans closer. "I could pretend I'm mad at you. I certainly wouldn't mind putting you across my knee again." Now there's definitely a twinkle in his eye.

As he says it, a hot bolt of lust rushes through me. I can't help it. I'm just glad Gabe is out of earshot, chatting with the hostess over at the coffee bar, because I'm sure I'm blushing.

Then Max continues, "But we both know how that would end up."

With both of us naked and spending a few hours having sex in the bed, on the couch, in the shower, and anywhere else in the spacious suite. Having more of what I try not to remind myself has been the best sex of my life.

I try to keep my voice level. "And the other options?"

"We go over to Gino's hotel a little early and visit one of the shops. It's a tropical resort themed hotel - you know they will have no shortage of bikinis and things to wear over them."

"That sounds like a plan," I tell him, happy to be moving to a safer topic.

Then he gives me one of those sexy half smiles and lowers his voice.

"I'm keeping the first option on standby. To be reconsidered when our business is concluded for the day."

Oh, boy.

"I'll keep that in mind," I say, and wonder if he can tell my heart is racing. Sex games with Max is not in my plans for this evening.

But Max apparently has plans of his own.

Sex and the Billionaire Crime Boss - Season 2Where stories live. Discover now