Ch. 10: Temptation

Start from the beginning

"Gino, were you having me followed in Miami?"

He looks at me with a face that registers both surprise and bafflement, and if he's faking it he's a really good actor.

"Why would I do that, girl? Hell no, I'm not having you followed. What made you think that? Has someone been following you?"

Now it's my turn to shrug. I decide not to tell him the details about what happened in Florida. "I just have had a feeling lately like someone's been watching me. And then you make the comment at dinner about how I've been working long hours at the law firm later, so I just wondered."

Now he's outright laughing so hard he can't answer. Malcolm does it for him.

"I looked you up on the Florida Bar website, Hadley. Saw the firm you were working for, and did a little research there as well. They have a reputation for being excellent lawyer. Excellent lawyer who work long hours."

Gino shakes his head a few times, regains his composure. "I make it a point to know who I'm dealing with. That's the reason I brought it up at dinner." His face takes on a serious expression. "I make sure I know who I'm dealing with before they know anything about my business, ever lay eyes on any part of a deal."

He gestures toward Max. "If he'd told me he was brining you to Vegas I'd have checked you out before you ever got there. As it is, I took it on trust based on Max's word."

"But you still checked me out."

"Trust, but verify," Malcolm says. "We've had people try to close on false pretenses in the past." He pauses. "It didn't end well for them."

And I'm reminded again that the people I'm dealing with are actual gangsters. That the former manager of the club I'm sitting in right now may very well by lying at the bottom of the East River. I give a little involuntary shiver, and someone hands me another glass of champagne.

Max, however, takes it as his cue that it's time for us to leave. He stands up.

"I think Hadley's had enough today. I'd like to get her back to the hotel."

Gino nods. I'll text the limo to take you three back. Malcolm and I have some unrelated business to conduct tonight with Joey D, and Vincenzo is going to speak with some of the employees and see if anyone has any information about the woman who tried to grab you." His face hardens. "Vincenzo is very good at helping people remember things."

I bet he is. But I just nod, and drink more champagne. It's helping to numb the feelings of panic that keep threatening to come back. It's always that way. I'm great in an emergency, but afterwards I tend to fall apart. And I'd prefer not to do that here in front of Gino and Joey D and everyone.

I make it to the limo without falling apart, but I can feel my legs shaking as I climb in. I just reacted in the heat of the moment, but now I'm realizing things could have gone way worse.

Max takes one look at my face as he slides into the limo after me, and then just pulls me onto his lap. Gabe gets in after us and the door closes. We are finally on our way back to the hotel.

Max reaches up to stroke my hair, and I lean my head against his shoulder and sigh. I shouldn't be doing this, trying to draw strength from him. My relationship with Max is what has put me in these situations in the first place, not to mention causing me to violate my own moral code. I need to get as much distance from him as possible.

But right now, I let my self accept the comfort he's offering.

Surprisingly, despite the almost-panic attack I just had, the low vibration of the limo, the champagne I drank too quickly, and the steady beat of Max's heart almost lull me to sleep on the ride back to the hotel.

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