Chapter 14

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"My future."

"What? Are you serious? What is it?" Basil asked.

Ash suddenly burst out laughing, confusing poor Basil. Ash's behavior had changed ever since they escaped and Basil didn't know what to make of it. 

"I didn't see my future, I saw nothing. It was just a bright white light of nothingness," Ash replied. 

"What do you mean?" Basil asked.

"What do you mean, what do I mean?" Ash asked with a raised brow. "There's nothing more to what I said. I meant it literally. I touched the medallion and then saw a blinding light and then nothing."

"Why did you drop it then?" Basil asked.

"Which part of bright light white do you not understand?" Ash sarcastically asked. 

"That's it?"

"Yes, that's it. There was nothing more to it," Ash replied. 

"That's not possible, there must be something else to it," Basil whispered under his breath.

"You touch it then," Ash scoffed. 

Basil hesitated for a moment before touching the medallion. He held the piece in his hand, waiting for something to happen but the longer the medallion stayed in his hand, the more nothing happened. Basil sighed and pocketed the medallion.

"We must know what this is. My father wouldn't bring it to us without meaning something," Basil said. 

"Or you're just overthinking it and that little thing means nothing but a distraction," Ash suggested.

Basil sighed in frustration. "Ash, I don't think you understand the severity of our situation right now. You can't act as if this is all just a game to you!" Basil spat.

"How exactly do I act that made you think that this is all just a game to me?" Ash asked as his face turned stoic and his voice lowered.

Basil was taken aback by the sudden change in Ash's aura. He didn't have an answer to his question. He just vented out his frustration and it was clear that Ash didn't take that too kindly. 

"Do you not believe in my abilities, Basil?" Ash asked.

"I don't even know the extent of your abilities, Ash. I don't even know if you're in full control of them," Basil answered.

"Fair enough," Ash sighed. "There is one thing that I can assure you, I'll do my best to keep us safe. I admit that what I did earlier was a little reckless and one small mistake could expose all of us but I just wanted to show you what I can do and I can do so much more if you trust me," Ash said as he held Basil's hands in his.

"I want to, but there is a lot of uncertainty ahead of us and it's not just our lives on the line here."

"And you think I don't know that?" Ash scoffed. "You're treating me as if I'm some clueless child. Haven't I proven myself enough?" Ash sighed. "They want us apart, Basil. That's the last thing we want to give them."

Basil just nodded his head in response. 

"You're weaker than I thought," Ash scoffed. 

"What do you mean by that?" Basil asked.

"You can't fight against your father and you're easily overwhelmed with fear. For someone who had lived this long, you're just a coward," Ash taunted. "You really thought you could get out of that prison without my help? You are nothing without me," Ash said as he dug his finger into Basil's chest.

His eyes widened as his body became rigid as Ash pushed his finger deeper into his chest. Basil could feel the pain digging into his chest but he couldn't even let out a scream.

"You do what I say and that's it. I'm no longer tolerating your stupid questions. I - am the one with the power here, not you," Ash threatened in an eerily deep voice before letting go of Basil.

Basil fell to the ground with a hard thud, desperately gasping for air. Basil was in shock. It was as if Ash was possessed by another being or maybe it was who Ash was all along. He watched as Ash took the medallion out of his pocket. Ash grabbed his shirt and tore it open, revealing the wound he had created earlier.

He grabbed the medallion and pressed it against his wound. Basil screamed as the medallion burned his skin. Ash carefully watched as the skin slowly engulfed the medallion, burying it under Basil's skin. Once the process was done, Basil was left weak and limp, lying on the floor. The medallion was now embedded in his skin, making the symbols prominent. It was simply a fang in the middle and illegible scripts around it.

"I could've waited and taken my time to explain to you what this medallion is for but quite frankly you pissed me off with all your questions. I don't have much patience for you, Basil. You've forced me to have you under my control because you -" Ash paused, pointing at Basil's chest. "- are a coward. You are weak and quite frankly you are just a vessel for me. I just needed you to trust and follow me but you couldn't even do that," Ash sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. 

"Get up," Ash commanded.

Basil weakly groaned as he got up from the floor. It's as if his body was no longer his. He was fighting for control of his own body.

"Now, be a good boy for me and be obedient," Ash said. "Like I said, your father is no longer going to come after us. I made sure of that. Now, I'm going to do what I need to do so I can be done with my duties and then do whatever the fuck I want. If you just stayed quiet, I would've kept you with me until after all of this is done but you just couldn't shut your fucking mouth."

"W-why are y-you d-doing this," Basil stuttered. 

Ash groaned in annoyance. "Stop it with the fucking questions!" He yelled in exasperation. "I'm still giving you control of your own voice but if I hear one more question from that mouth of yours, you'll be trapped inside your own body until I'm done with you."

Basil could feel the tears welling in his eyes. The change in Ash was drastic, it was terrifying. He has no idea who Ash is working against. Ash mockingly cooed as he saw the tears in Basil's eyes. 

"Trust me, sweetheart, it's better this way," Ash snickered. "I can't wait to show you what I can do. I just need your full support," Ash reached out and caressed Basil's cheek with his thumb. "All will be okay after this. We're making the world a better place, I just need you to trust me and once you do, I will give you your autonomy back," he said before placing a chaste kiss on Basil's kiss.

"Now let's lay down and get some rest, we'll be fine," Ash reassuringly said, his tone taking a complete 360 turn from how he was earlier. 

Ash lay down on the floor and Basil soon lay beside him. Basil thinks that he is the one controlling his own body as he lies down beside Ash, but Ash is just tricking him into thinking he did. He wanted to show Basil how quickly he could take back control whenever he wanted. 

"See how easy it is to just follow me? You need to stop resisting and just let destiny run its course. Don't be a hindrance," Ash said before closing his eyes. "Get some sleep."

Basil closed his eyes, fearing what Ash would do if he continued to disobey. His mind was in shambles. He had lost track of what was happening. He couldn't decide if Ash was evil or good. He knew he couldn't just obey whatever Ash wanted. He needed answers. Answers that he doesn't even know where to find. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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