Chapter 1: I Hate Row Boats and Rude Awakenings

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The blinding light that crossed Y/N's eyelids startled her awake. She sat in the middle of a small row boat, slowly floating across the water. She wasn't sure how long she'd been asleep for or where she was, all she hoped for was that she was very far from where she came from. Based on her surroundings, she guessed she was located either in the North or South Pole. She dreamt of blue tattooed arrows and thick ice, she was honestly grateful for the few tame images that came to her mind after the evil that previously permanently polluted her thoughts.

In the short distance, she made out voices. Quickly, she maneuvered her row boat toward the voices, keeping enough space to not be seen. She rapidly regretted her fast movements as the small hole in the bottom of her boat widened and water sloshed in. Spirits, her whole lower half was soaked with icy water. Doing her best to ignore her frigid limbs, her attention turned to the three figures that stood on a massive iceberg.

"He was probably trying to signal the fire navy!" Y/N heard the tallest of the three exclaim. He looked to be about her age, maybe even a year older. He wore a dark blue, fur lined coat that went down to his knees and his hair was tied up in a wolf-tail style. He matched with the figure next to him, a girl. Clearly younger than him, she wore a matching style coat, with her hair hidden in her hood. Across from them was a boy. He was completely bald, with blue arrows tattooed all down his body. He wore a traditional outfit, colored yellow and orange. She had seen him before.


Panic settled in the bottom of Y/N's stomach. Holy shit, she had seen him before. She knew this was bad news, it always was, especially if they thought he was Fire Nation. She watched the three of them as they loaded onto a huge creature, a ten foot tall mammal that looked like it could crush Y/N by looking at her too hard, it jumped into the air, creating a tidal wave as it fell back into the water.

Great. More water poured into her boat, soaking her even more. She looked down and her pitiful knapsack as it floated across the boat. When she left, she only had time to pack a single change of clothes and a bit of food, which was now sodden and unusable. Gritting her teeth, Y/N grabbed her oars and guided herself a safe distance behind the large creature. She had to see the tattooed boy again, she needed to find the answers. She needed to be right.

They floated along steadily for a good while, Y/N lost track of time a long time ago. Without getting caught, she watched as they pulled up to a small cove. It was littered with tents and igloos, and although Y/N never had the most extensive education, she knew they had arrived at the South Pole. She had come a long way. She only knew of the South Pole from her father, who determined everyone who lived there to be no-good peasant filth, she wasn't sure what to think now, she had bigger issues at hand.

She brought her boat to a clearing out of the way, and tracked where the people she saw on the iceberg went. She noticed the tattooed boy to be unconscious, and was carefully set inside on the tents. This was her chance! She needed to see him up close and in person, not just behind her eyes. However, the tall boy in the Water Tribe outfit stood guard outside, clearing suspicious of the unconscious boy. Although he didn't seem to be too hard to take down, she was too tired and wet, and she wasn't going to be that way anymore, this boy was innocent. She was going to need to be sneaky, a skill she had long mastered.

Carefully, Y/N ducked behind tents and igloos, expertly staying hidden and out of other ways. She reached the back of the tent of the tattooed boy and took a deep breath. Shit, this was it. Silently, she poked her head inside. He was laying there, although he didn't seem peaceful. His body was tense and face contorted, like he was thinking hard about something that was troubling him. He was young, just a kid, no older than thirteen. This is who she kept seeing? This is who they wanted?

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