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Rehaan's Pov

"I know she's the one" I finally told my grandmother. I was never scared of her rejection I knew she liked Suhana and honestly she'll be happy of whoever I choose but there were other things that was bothering me but my old woman is not made of old mindset. I hug her tightly, "oh my sweet boy I'm so happy for you" She return the hug, "Suhana is an amazing  girl" she says to me and I nodded my head in agreement, "I know" she laughed at my reaction.

"So when's the wedding" That shocked me, "uh.. calm down grandma it's too early" She smack me ,"there's nothing too early in love. I married your grandfather when I was just 16" she looked so happy just remembering her good old days, "you're nearly 30" She gave me looks and I laughed. She held my face in her hand,  "I can see how happy she makes you Rehaan. I haven't seen you laughing like this in forever". It's true. I have never felt this at ease in my entire life. Her presence is just so powerful and warm.

"I'll marry her soon, grandma" I finally says to her. She hugged me again, "I can't wait" me too.


"What are you doing here" She ran to me and threw herself in my arms. I hugged her as tightly as humanly possible. "I just wanted to pick you up from work" I released her from my grip. She smiled at me, "let's go"

"I don't get your music taste at all" She laughed at me, "I love old songs" she finally settled on one song, "yeah I figured" she rolled her eyes at me and I wanted to stop the car and make her do it again for entirely different reason but I restrain myself. LATER. I thought to myself. 

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