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Suhana's Pov

"Suhana" My dad's voice bring me back to reality and I removed my hands from the door. I was almost touching Rehaan's hand. "Yes" I said and cleared my throat because I hated how It sounded.

I walked past Rehaan and stand in front of my dad. He looked at me and then at Rehaan before speaking, "are you okay" he asked and I sink deeper. Am I not looking okay. I nodded and forced a smile. I turned and introduce Rehaan to my Dad, "Dad, It's Rehaan" Rehaan walked and extented his hand to my Dad. They shook it. My dad is a cool person like always but he just nodded at Rehaan and that my friends isn't a good sign.

"Let's go downstairs" I speak and walked past both of them. They both followed me. I went to sit beside my mom who was sitting with the neighbours and Rehaan exit through the door. I know I should go and see him off but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

From the corner of my eye I can see my Dad and Isha giving me looks.
I ignored it.

"Is your guest gone" Mrs. Kapoor asked. I nodded with a smile, "he was so handsome Suhana"she laughed and continued, "Is he your boyfriend" I shook my head immediately, "No. No. We work together" I want to be anywhere but here.


"Why didn't he say bye to me" Isha complained as soon as she enters my room. I sighed, "I don't know" I can't have more conversation about him today when my mind is already a mess. She pushed me off the bed and warned me very seriously, "I like him. So you better make up with him" I rise from the floor and threw myself at her, "okay little Miss"

We lay comfortably on my bed when she speaks again, "He's sweet and shy" I nodded, "he's not always sweet" I added, remembering few of my interactions with him. Isha gasped, "I can't imagine him not being sweet" I smiled at her. She really likes him.

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