
685 62 31

Defined as: separation (of beloved)


I stare at my wedding ring.

"You know....I really like the ring."

Jisoo groans loudly. "You better. That cost a fortune."

I smile and turn around to her.

Jisoo's in black sweatpants and black T-shirt.

"Whose funeral are you attending?"

She narrows her eyes. "Ha. Ha. Very funny."

I just smile again and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her into a hug.

We got married today and we are in a two bed hotel room before we go back to the apartment we bought together before marrying.

I turn my head and bury my face in her neck. "I love your hugs."

Jisoo nods. "Well....I never got that compliment before."

I pull away but still keep my arms around her waist. "Why not?"

Jisoo laughs and whenever she does it's like the room gets a little bit brighter and it makes me smile too. "It's not something people comment on."

I smirk. "What do they comment on?"

Clearly seeing the direction of the conversation, her cheeks go pink and she starts stuttering, "Umm... you know....nothing m-much....just small things...n-nothing—"

"You besides the fact that you're beautiful, kind and loving?" I finish for her.

She tilts her head cutely. "Really? You think I'm all that?"

I pull one arm away and push her glasses up her nose a bit with my finger. "Yes. You're all that and more Jisoo. Thank you for doing this." I go back to snuggling into her for a hug. "People don't know what they're missing in your hugs."

She laughs again and stupid butterflies flutter in my stomach.

I pull away and look at her. "You know, it's only 7. Why don't we go to the ice rink?"

She raises an eyebrow. "It's closed."

I shake my head. "Nope. The rink manager, James, gave me a set of keys and told me that I could come in whenever I wanted."

She looks a bit pained. "I'm not a good ice skater. I can't keep up with you."

I smile.
The dream shifts

I step on the ice skate forward a few feet before turning around and looking at Jisoo.

I smile as I see her hesitantly step on the ice. She keeps a death grip on the siding wall.

I laugh at her. "Even babies skate around, what are you so afraid of?"

"Breaking my head open," she explains while holding onto the wall as much as she can.

I smile and go over. I hold her hand. "Come on. One step at a time."

She heaves a big sigh and we stand for a second while she tries to find her balance. "How about you don't do anything and I pull you?" I offer.

"Gently," she emphasizes and I laugh.

I give a small push off and pull Jisoo next to me as we—sorry I—skate down the ice with Jisoo staring at her feet and maintaining her balance.

Dream Of You (Jensoo)Where stories live. Discover now