Ch 34

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Chapter 34

At the beginning everything is normal.

Just like Xie Yicheng said, Qin Yu saw that his eighteen-year-old self liked a girl named Yin Bao. That girl was exactly the same as Yin Bao now, whether it was the way she spoke, or the way she blushed slightly when she was angry, it was the same.

Qin Yu just watched quietly.

Until the picture gradually changed, it became that rainy evening.

In a car accident, the girl lost her life in his arms.

The boy hugged her body tightly, pressed his face to her forehead, and cold tears flowed down his face.

The picture changes again, becoming a small room.

Qin Yu saw that his eighteen-year-old self was quietly leaning on the head of the bed, holding a diary in his hand, turning through the pages from the beginning.

On the first page, the girl's immature handwriting reads:

"Today is the first day of crossing.

I was actually sending a love letter to a person named Qin Yu, it was terrible!

I had obviously had a car accident, but as soon as I opened my eyes, I came to another world. It's really a strange thing, it seems that the crossing is not made up out of thin air, it is real!

However, no one will believe me.

They also laughed at me, laughing at me for being rejected by the boy named Qin Yu.

Hmph, whoever wants to send him a love letter, who wants to like him!Anyway, I'm not the original Yin Bao anymore, and I won't like Qin Yu anymore!

" The diary turned back to the second page:

"I don't think my classmates like me very much.

Correct, is that they don't like the original Yin Bao.

It's so sad.

I want to go home, I miss my brother.

But how can I go home? Do I have to crash the car again? What if I really die?

And that Qin Yu, I think he's really annoying.

I've been giving me a cold face today, and my eraser has fallen at his feet, and he doesn't even help me pick it up! Why is there such a nasty person in this world!

The original body still likes him, and I'm so angry. 

The diary slowly flipped back and stopped at one page again.

"Today I found two little milk cats by the school wall, they are so pitiful.

I'll secretly buy them something to eat tomorrow. Turning

the page back:

"I went to deliver food to the little milk cat today, but I didn't expect to meet Qin Yu there."

It turned out that he had been taking care of the two kittens all along.

I really didn't expect him to have such a side.

Well...... I don't seem to hate him that much.

But he still gave me a cold face.

Forget it, for his sake of taking care of the kitten,

I'll forgive him for the time being. 

The diary continued to flip back:

"Today, Chen Rui invited me to her birthday party, and I am so happy.

Before, she was the person who disliked the original body the most, but now she says she wants to be friends with me.

There are many classmates who are getting better and better to me, and Qin Yu is too.

Today I was hit by someone while riding a bicycle, and he passed by in the driver's car, and actually got out of the car to help me up, bought me medicine, and asked me to take his car back.

I really don't know what medicine he took wrong today.

But I didn't go back in his car.

Because Xu Yicheng also came, he was more along with my family. I asked Xu Yicheng to ride a bicycle to send me. Turning the page further:

"Today, Qin Yu didn't know what medicine he had taken wrong, and he was cold to me again.

I asked him to borrow a pen, and he asked me to borrow it from Xu Yicheng.

Xu Yicheng is so far away from me, how can I borrow it!

Not only that, at Chen Rui's birthday party, playing games, Qin Yu has been making things difficult for me.

This person is really uncertain, and he is a psychopath.

I'm! Hmph, I swear I'll never pay attention to this guy again!


The diary flipped a few pages back:

It's time for a parent-teacher conference, and I filled in the form with the parents' names and contact information today, but I saw that Qin Yu's column was empty.

It just so happened that Xie Yancheng was on duty, and he and Qin Yu seemed to be good friends, so I went to ask Xie Yancheng.

I asked him, aren't Qin Yu's parents coming, are my parents not available?

As a result, Xie Yicheng told me that Qin Yu's father passed away when Qin Yu was very young. His mother also divorced early. He has always been carried by his grandfather, but his grandfather's company is also very busy, where is the time to hold a parent-teacher conference for him.

I asked, did Qin Yu never come to hold a parent-teacher conference for him?

Xie Yancheng shook his head and said no.

Although I don't want to forgive Qin Yu,

I think he is still quite pitiful. 

The diary continued to flip back:

"Qin Yu can also play basketball.

I didn't expect such a cold person to be quite handsome in basketball.

Hmph, even so, I still hate him.

I'm not going to bring him water.

I bought the water for myself, and he took it without permission.

It's not the water I brought him. 

The diary continues, and it's winter:

"I seem to be getting used to life in this world......

Everyone was very nice to me, and so was my mother.

she was a single mother, and although she didn't know it, I wasn't really her daughter anymore.

But she still loves me very much.

I'm a little scared, if I go back one day, I'll be reluctant to give her up.

It's snowing today.

Qin Yu told me that the two kittens had grown up, and asked me if I wanted to take a look.

I went with him to see the kittens.

Then we went our separate ways.

Qin Yu didn't give me a cold face today. 

The diary turned a few more pages:

"It's Chinese New Year's Eve, I didn't expect that this year's Chinese New Year's Eve, I would be in another world."

But when I was packing up today, I noticed that a winter vacation roll was missing.

I asked a lot of classmates, but they were all done and couldn't lend me a copy.

I had no choice, so I went and asked Qin Yu.

He said he had it and hadn't done it yet.

I said, can I go to you after the New Year, and you can lend me a copy?

But I didn't expect that he would come on the night of Chinese New Year's Eve.

At that time, my mother said that someone was looking for me, and I was surprised.

It's Qin Yu.

He brought me the roll.

But he's so stupid, what's the use of giving me, on Chinese New Year's Eve, the copy shops are closed.

Really a fool.

But he couldn't help it, he came all the way and sent me a roll.

I asked him if he had dinner and he said no.

I put the extra dumplings made by my mother into the insulated box and gave them to him.

It was snowing quite heavily that day.

Qin Yu didn't wear much, and when I took the test paper, I felt that his hands were very cold.

So I gave him a scarf of mine.

It's just a loan to him!" I haven't kept a diary for a long time, and when I kept a diary again, it was already half a month later, and there was only a few sentences: "

Qin Yu seems to have a girl he likes" 

After a long time, I remembered another page:

"I don't like Qin Yu."

A cold, arrogant, high-minded man like him.

Whoever likes it goes. 

Turning the page back:

"It turned out to be a misunderstanding......

It's just that girl who likes Qin Yu unilaterally.

She also gave Qin Yu a scarf, which she still knitted herself.

But Qin Yu refused.

Qin Yu still hasn't returned my scarf to me.




What's wrong with me lately. Flipping back into the diary, winter was coming to an end, but there was a lot written on this page:

"Today is my birthday.

Xie asked me out to go to the amusement park.

I was a little surprised. But after arriving at the amusement park, I found that the person there was Qin Yu.

Qin Yu wrapped up the entire amusement park.

He seems to be the domineering president in the novel.


My family was also very wealthy, and my brother could charter ten playgrounds.

But it's useless for Qin Yu to charter the venue, and I don't dare to play many projects.

So he ended up taking me on the Ferris wheel.

The Ferris wheel is so beautiful.

The lights flickered and the spire of the fairytale castle could be seen.

The first time I found out that Qin Yu was very tall, and he had to bend down to enter the Ferris wheel.

It was quiet at that time.

I remembered a story my brother told me when I was a child.

So I asked Qin Yu: 'Do you know what is the best place to do on the Ferris wheel?'

My brother told me before that on the Ferris wheel, it is the most suitable to make a wish.

Because the higher the Ferris wheel rises, the closer it is to the stars, and the more spiritual the wish becomes.

That's why when I was a kid, I would make a wish on the Ferris wheel.

I asked Qin Yu like this.



he actually ...... He actually answered......

Qin Yu said: 'Kiss. 'I......

Oh my God! What the hell is he thinking all day!


But that's not the point!

The Ferris wheel shook a bit.

I saw that the lights all around me were lit up, and so was the fairytale castle.

Then Qin Yu ......

Qin Yu: He's really!

He's really......

He really kissed me!It was my first kiss!

Why is he so annoying?!

I didn't expect him to be such a cold person, but he still ...... It's still so bad! I haven't decided whether I like him or not!

Qin Yu hates ghosts!" 

The eighteen-year-old boy who read the diary seemed to laugh very softly, but his eyes slowly turned red.

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