Ch 17

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Chapter 17

 After returning to China, the engagement between the Qin family and the Jiang family has already begun to be arranged.

This marriage, Old Man Qin didn't make a big deal of it, but everyone in the circle knew about it.

When Xie Yancheng came to the president's office, Qin Yu was watching investment analysis on the screen.

The man's cold and chiseled face, as always. His hands were folded against his chin, and there was no expression on his face.

Xie Yicheng knocked on the door.

Qin Yu didn't look at him, "Come in."

Xie Yancheng walked in and sat down on the sofa, "The old man is already preparing for your engagement ceremony."

Qin Yu: "Hmm."
Xie Yancheng raised his eyebrows in surprise, "You don't refuse?"
Qin Yu finally looked away after reading an analysis report, "Why do you want to refuse?"

Xie Yancheng's eyebrows were about to fly into the sky, "You...... Haven't you always resisted getting engaged and getting married? You also said that although you suffer from emotional apathy, it doesn't mean that you can accept a marriage arranged for you arbitrarily......" \

Qin Yu retracted his gaze, clicked on another investment analysis, and said coldly: " I think it's very good. "

He's going back to his world now, forgetting about Yin Bao. Everything about her has nothing to do with him.

Xie Yicheng: "?"

After being quiet for a while, Xie Yicheng stood up, "This is not like you." After a pause, "Since I met you, you have never done anything according to the old man's ideas, even if you never say it, you are resisting in your own way, and just because you are doing better than the old man thinks, he likes you more and more, and indulges you."

Qin Yu didn't speak, concentrating on the investment analysis.

Xie Yancheng: "Did you figure it out or what's wrong, why are you suddenly willing to get engaged and married." After a pause, "Even I don't want to get married easily, let alone you."

Qin Yu's hands were slightly separated, "There is no why, personal and family needs."

Xie Yancheng bent down and looked into Qin Yu's eyes.

After a long time, he gave up, sighed, and sat down on the sofa again.

Xie Yicheng said: "I think I will lose a close friend."

Qin Yu glanced at him.

Xie Yancheng raised his hand, "Okay, then go eat Japanese food tonight and drink some wine?" 

Unexpectedly , Qin Yu said, "Okay." 

The Japanese restaurant only receives a few customers a day, so there are only Qin Yu and Xie Yancheng in the huge store.

Xie Yancheng kept eating, Qin Yu rarely moved chopsticks, and finally Xie Yancheng couldn't help it, "Don't just drink, eat something Mr. Qin."

Qin Yu didn't speak.

When I unintentionally raised my eyes, I saw a series of small Shiba Inu smiling faces painted on the wooden sign hanging in the Japanese restaurant.

Qin Yu's hand holding the small wine glass paused slightly, and after a while, he put the wine glass down.

When I went back, there was a driver to pick me up.

Qin Yu leaned on the back seat.

Outside the window, neon lights flowed, half-brightly and half-darkly reflected the man's cold, chiseled face. Handsome and sharp eyebrows, straight nose bridge, everything is still the original appearance.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Yu took out his mobile phone.

Slender fingers tapped into the private mailbox.

Since then, no new emails have been sent.

Qin Yu looked at it for a long time, then retreated, turning the phone screen black.

When you get drunk, it's easy to bring back memories that you don't think about anymore.

Qin Yu slowly closed his eyes and leaned on the back seat.

She should have seen her brother Boyu by now.


Yin Bao waited for the owner of the house to come back after that day, more than a week.

She went to the door of the house every day and waited, without waiting for anyone to come out of it or go back.

Until more than a week later.

It was two middle-aged people who came back.

They slowly came from the corner of the street. The middle-aged man was holding a duffel bag in his hand and supporting the middle-aged woman next to him with the other.

Yin Bao stood up.

She recognized the two men almost at first sight.

It's Qin Boyu's parents.

She once thought that the years would not leave too many traces on them, after all, when they first went abroad, they were both still young, the men were high-spirited, and the women were gentle and beautiful.

However, at this moment, they are too old. The man's hair was almost gray, and the woman's face was haggard.

Yin Bao stood there, holding the little Shiba Inu tightly in his hand, and his palms ached.

Seeing that they were about to get the key to enter the door, the girl ran from across the street.

"Uncle Qin. 

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