Powers, Special Abilities, and Weaknesses

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Powers and Special Abilities:

As a daughter of Hades, Peggy is an immensely powerful demigod with vampire abilities on top of that. Carlisle believes that Peggy is one of the most powerful vampires he's ever seen (to the point that he compared her power to that of a nuclear bomb) and has been worried about the Volturi finding out about what she is and what she can do as he fears they would try and take her away from the family.

Whilst she showed some of these abilities before her vampirism, becoming a vampire seems to have strengthened her connection to Hades and the Underworld.

Peggy has all the typical vampire abilities but she has also a special ability that developed from her being incredibly green-thumbed as a human, as well as special abilities granted to her as a child of Hades. Her flora manipulation developed only with her vampirism whilst she has had all her demigod abilities since her early teens.

Vampire-Olympian Hybrid Notes: Being a hybrid, Peggy has a different physiological rules that apply to her in comparison to full vampires. Because of this, Peggy can pass as human far easier than her adopted family. Vampire-Olympian Hybrids have vampire eyes.


- Firm but not solid like marble or concrete. It would be like laying on a firm mattress and not the road. bumping into one will not result in a shattered shoulder or arm. They essentially appear human, though firmer to the touch.

- Cold (like someone that's been sat in front of an open window in Autumn/Fall) but not freezing. (Though their bodies will be warm for a few hours after ingestion of fresh blood. With a steady diet, they can keep their bodies feeling 'human' warm, therefore making it easier to blend into the human world)

Human Food and Blood:

- Can eat and drink like a human without having to cough it up later and whilst it can sustain them, it offers them less nutritional value than even animal blood. Human blood offers the most nutritional value much like full vampires.


- Can sleep, though it is not needed. It is mostly used to pass time and works more like a deep meditation.


- Whilst the vampire-olympian hybrids do not sparkle in the sun, they do find bright sunlight uncomfortable. Peggy will tell Bella it feels like constant goosebumps across her skin and a headache that won't quit.


- Can bleed, break bones, etc. But it is much harder to do to them compared to humans.

- For the most part, their bodies work the same as they did when they were human. Gaining the best of both words.


- Unique to any vampire-olympian children of Hephaestus/Vulcan, Hestia, Helios, Apollo, Hades, Hemera, Hyperion, Iapetus, Cacus, Enceladus, Serapis, Ra, Sekhmet, Bast, Hurakan, Hecate and Ares, is an immunity to fire. This means that any vampire-olympian children of these gods are essentially more immortal than others and even full vampires as they cannot be burnt once they are torn apart.


Super Strength: Vampires can easily toss an average-size, fully-grown human across a room with great speed and force. Their other feats include single-handedly lifting grown men high off the ground by the throat. Their strength allows them to jump higher and further than any natural creature. Vampires who feed on humans are stronger than those who feed on animal blood.

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