You're Here, That's The Thing

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Sam found a 2009 Kia Borrego with half a tank of gas midafternoon. Castiel was surprised that they found a working car. But he would not complain, nor was Castiel upset when Sam took over the wheel this time. They drove until they ran out of gas in that car, too. "Should we find another car, or continue by foot?" Castiel asked as he got their meager supplies out of the back of the Kia. Sam hummed in thought.

"We can walk for a little," Sam said.

They set off from the car in a random direction. Sam and Castiel were walking side by side, their arms brushed occasionally, but it did not bother either of them. They walk for a couple of hours before deciding to take a break in an abandoned house. They went into the first abandoned-looking house they saw and scavenged around for supplies. There was some canned food, but not a whole lot. They ate in silence before they left the house and searched through other empty houses around the vicinity. They produced more canned foods and even scored two first aid kits. It was beginning to get dark when they decided to turn in for the night. Sam and Castiel go back to the first house that they found and set up for the night. It was a quaint house, one floor with a kitchen/dining/living room combo, a cramped bathroom, and a small bedroom.

"We can sleep in the living room," Sam suggested as he was putting food for them to eat.

"I'm fine with that," Castiel agreed. Sam flashed a quick smile at Castiel and left the opened cans on the table. Castiel grabbed a can of pears and dug in. Sam emerged from the bedroom with blankets and pillows.

"Wish we could take this with us, we should try and find a car so we can carry blankets with us," Sam said. Castiel hummed in agreement. They settled down in the living room together, and both fell asleep minutes after lying down.

Castiel woke up to see Sam gone. A brief flash of panic washed over the ex-angel. It went as fast as it came because Sam walked through the door at that precise moment. The younger Winchester has always had impeccable timing. He had a duffle bag on his shoulder and a slight smile on his lips. Castiel let a smile grace his lips, "Does this mean we no longer need that car?" Castiel asked in a teasing manner. Sam's smile grew bigger, and Castiel felt his heart swell with affection. It was an unfamiliar feeling, and Castiel did not know how to tread through the emotion.

"We still need a car. Walking takes a lot of our energy, and we don't have much water for all the walking we are doing," Sam stated. He pointed at their few water bottles sitting on a table in the living room. Castiel often forgot water was essential now that he was human, even though he had been human for the better part of the five years since the apocalypse started.

Sam packed away all their belongings—mostly consisting of food—and they set off again. They are unsuccessful in their search for a functioning car, but they snag more food and bottles of water. Castiel even found a backpack he could use.

"Well, it seems as though we have the water we need," Castiel said as he shoved the warm bottles into his recently acquired backpack. Sam rolled his eyes and dropped himself down on the floor. They were in another abandoned house; this one was much bigger than the last one they had stayed in. It had multiple stories and a large basement.

"The further we head straight, the more stuff is in the houses, and it's kind of weird," Sam commented absent-mindedly.

"It is odd," Castiel agreed. Sam exhaled softly and lay down on the floor.

"We could be going through what was a rich neighborhood or something,"


They fall into a comfortable silence.

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