01 • "It was a bad day"

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Tears, screams, loud gunshots, and people running everywhere during this disastrous scene worthy of a horror movie. She was usually fond of horror movies. But who would want to be in one? Her heart was pounding wildly as not only her emotions took the best of her, thus overwhelming her -the only thing that kept her running was her mother drawing her in her course- but also she was exhausted as they had been trying to escape this attack for what seemed like hours now.
"Mom!" She yelled in despair as tears ran down her cheeks. She had enough, and the numerous corpses falling around them did not help. She was sure of it: they wouldn't make it out alive.

"Run Asa!" Was the only answer she'd received. She wished it was all fake, but the desperation in her poor, dear mother's voice proved otherwise. It pained her to see her mother in this state, and she was helpless... Her eyes teary, she looked up despite her blurry vision at the back of the woman that granted her life. She clenched her teeth, and tightened her grip around her mother's hand, holding on for dear life. She had to survive. She promised herself before that she would make her mother proud, that she would give her all the best jewelleries and different kinds of pleasure this world had to offer. Because she deserved it. And how could she do it if they were both dead?

The aforesaid Asa got a sudden adrenaline rush and started running alongside her mother. But as she took a huge step ahead, Asa tripped on her shoe lace and violently fell on the floor. Her mother gasped and came to help her, pulling her arm while groaning. "Mom I'm so—" she was cut by a loud noise.

She gasped as it tickled her senses, pulling her out of her dreams. Or rather nightmares. Asa squeezed her lips before frowning as she stared at the thing in front of her.

"Crambon.. thank you for sparing me from this... unwanted nightmare." She spoke in her raw sleepy voice. She then slightly raised her head to the clock. "No thank you for waking me up 2 hours early." She sighed before getting out of bed. She knew she wouldn't want to go to sleep after that. Her cat meowed following her to the kitchen. 

Monday, September 26th of 2003 : 4:42 AM.

Asa couldn't fully blame her cat. She was anxious at the idea of presenting herself to new comrades anyways, and the stress of going back to school caused her to sleep at 1 in the morning, though she went to sleep at 8PM to try and have a full recovery night sleep. Didn't work. Obviously. She instead got a 3 hour nap cut by a terrible nightmare.

"You hungry too Cramby?" She stroked the back of her cat before pouring her food on a plate. It was a new brand and she was curious, so she stretched her tongue to taste it. "Ew." She frowned. "You're gonna like it." She petted her back before standing up. She walked to the fridge. Empty. She opened the different closets... empty as well. She sighed before looking at the sink. She didn't wash the dishes yesterday so there was nothing left to eat in anyways. As she stared in the void, she suddenly remembered the box of Kellog's she had left in her living room after watching movies yesterday night. She ran past her cat, going to the living room to pick up the only food she had left before washing up a bowl and a spoon. She finally sat down, by now it was already 5 as she started eating, staring in the void again. « I hope I give a good first impression to my new classmates... » she thought.

Laughters and mocking is all she could heard as her face was kissing the wooden floor.
"M—Mitaka-san are you alright...?" The professor asked slightly embarrassed for her.

"I.. I'm good thank you.." she cleared her throat getting up as she removed the dust from her uniform. "I'm Asa Mitaka." She bowed before tightening her grip around her bag that she was holding in her hands. « Shoot. I planned to say much more than that. Cooler things. Be cool! » she opened her mouth gathering the courage to speak again but the professor interrupted her by showing her an empty table.
"You can go sit there Mitaka-san." He nodded with a warm smile. She nodded in disbelief before shutting her mouth and slowly going to sit down. "Please be welcoming with your new classmate everyone! Class president, I'll let you give her a tour and help her catch up with the lessons." He said before starting his morning class.

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