meeting one of the jaunes

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Nick: "Alright everyone todays a special day once in a many decade the multiverse as a whole reaches a calm where 1 day in all multiverses there 1 calm day where nothing bad or crazy happens and to celebrate it all of the jaune across the multiverse decided to come and pay you all a visit some also brought there families also you will see variants of the jaune you already seen for example you saw one spider jaune you may encounter another one that completely different from the one you saw"

Ruby: "Oh I can't wait!"

she jumping in place in excitement

Nick: "oh i just got told by the owner of the theater only one of them could make it"

Nora: "aw I wanted to see all of the fearless leaders"

Nick: "I know I know but hey you all gonna love this one this jaunes a faunus and a ninja! I planned to show you his world next is story complete you lot will be seeing the begining of it when I bring it up"

A portal appeared in the room and out came a jaune with spikey hair wiskers marks on his face a pair of blond rabit like fox ears and nine big fluffy fox tails they watch as he walks up to ruby and bows and also takes her hand and gives it a kiss

???: "hello everyone you can call me kage since I am not your original jaune also you may not be my wife but it nice to see you all small and cute again ruby"

Ruby just blushes deeply

Yang: "hold up wife how old are you two!"

Kage: "me and ruby are the same age 17 and before you ask shes my mate and the soon to be mother of my first batch of kids being a mate is the faunus equivalent of marriage"

Ruby: "batch!

She squeaks out

Kage: "yeah my genetics are pretty nuts you see my dad a reincarnation demigod ninja from a different and got stuck in remnant and hes a uzumaki a clan know for super human genetics add in the demigod reincarnation bit and you got so super genetics add in the arc bloodline also being filled with super genetics and well I got some super swimmers and cause of that your carrying 15 kids on the first go"

Everyone eye widen in shock and horror poor ruby she going to be in so much pain

Ruby blushes crimson read and faints

Jaune: "lucky for me my special biju chakra can heal damn near instantly if i share some of it with her which I always do when she having particularly hard day carrying our kids"

Qrow: "at least your a good partner but if your hear whos taking care of my niece?"

Jaune: "she is sleeping at the moment she wanted to come but carrying 15 kids no easy job so I told her to rest and we can visit next time when there born"

Tai: "I want to be mad but I really can your both married so leagally you can do what you want and if my other allowed it so be it"

Kage: "I had to kick your ass before you allow me to marry ruby it wasn't hard cause i master my biju chakra by them when I asked for your blessing"

Tai: "I take your word for it since most of these world your kind of op or on the path to op"

Kage: "yeah you dont fuck with jaune arcs of the multiverse anyway I got some gifts for everyone from your jaune his training with us been going well and when he heard I be coming he wanted me to give his friend his gifts and souvenirs from the various multiverses he been to for training

Kage: "for blake the entire ninja of love series signed and ther many spin off stories like the knight and the princess of rose, or the knight and the nightshade and the kight and the dragon etc and a vr head sett with the video version of ninja of love but you feel everything"

The said gifts dissappear instantly and you hear a door slam shut and here her scream out link start!

Weiss just slaps her face

Yang: "kitty cat and her porn"

Kage: "now for yang we got a arm in a can its a arm that replaces a missing arm and once attached become an exact replacement for the lost limb the jar is infinitely refilling, and custom parts for your motorcycle that turns it into a weapon shows her how it would work (its the devil may cry motorcycle weapon dante has) and it allows it to fly too the wheel split in half a f goes horizontal a s spin so fast the motorcycle starts to float"

Yang: "score! I don't know why I would need an arm in a can but i will keep it cause it is useful and bike parts and awsome!"

Kage: "for ren a recipe book on food that breaks nora pancake addiction and how to make helthy smoothies that actually taste good and a cooler full of never ending ingredients that never spoil"

Kage: "for nora her semblance evolves to let her use kirin at will once a day (shows them all what kirin is)

Nora: "I am the queen of thunder!"

Ren: "oh got no"

Kage: "for pyhrra a book on how to not be a stupid suicidal destiny tard and a sleep mask that let her have a dream where she can be with jaune cause thats the only way a jaune would date her happily since almost every time they date she dies or he die cause of her"

Qrow: "ouch that fucking harsh shes just a kid"

Kage: "old enough to kill be it grim or criminals they are old enough to drink and fuck they are adults as soon as they chose this profession"

She just silently accepted her gifts

Kage: "for weiss a pill that makes her mon no longer a alcoholic, a flash drive filled with evidence to get rid of her sperm donor, and lastly a nova dust crystal it dust full of so much power a tiny grain of it can power atlas and mantle for 10 years now imagine a whole crystal and a book on how to create this dust"

She happily took the gifts

Kage: "and now we save the best for last looks at ruby who still passed out well I guess I just leave her crate of gifts next to her and the car and gravity skates"

He puts them next to her gently

Now thats done I will be leaving now I would tell you more about me but your about to see my life story anyways so I let you enjoy in video! He leave going back to his ruby

To be continued

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