Full metal alchemist

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Nick: "alright everyone this world is a fun one but also kind of sad or at least with how its starts oh lets bring in 2 more guess!"

snaps his fingers and Obleck and port come in with the memories implanted in there head to get them up to date

Obleck: "Fascinating the multiverse is actually real!"

Port: "haha it so great to see one of my students achieving heroism like they want and also ha in your face ozpin, bartty, Glynda and ironwood I won the bet Lancaster had set sail in multiple dimension! where's my money! you all owe me 500 lien each!"

Wiess looked affronted and slightly disturbed from finding out the staff of beacon is making bets on which students will get together and the fact there shipping real living people the other students laugh and ruby just blushes

Qrow: "wait so that what some of those casual meeting you keep inviting me to are for! shipping your students and my nieces?!"

Yes said ozpin with a straight face

Nick: "actually you all owe port 50 million lien he won all your bet Wiess and Neptune get together in most universes, eclipse dragon happen in many as well cause Blake a kinky bitch an a sucker delinquent blondes so she married both sun and yang, Ren and Nora was a suckers bet that you all fell for Qrow and winter get together in the universes where he was too scared to confess to summer so basically the man has a good eye for ships"

there was a collective FUCK! from the teachers as port did a full belly laugh

Finally I have gotten everything I need to bring back my family said jane to himself

He goes to his book and read more on human transmutation

Obleck: "Human transmutation! boy are you insane your doing the greatest since and hubris in alchemy history!"

Ruby: "Doctor Obleck just what is alchemy?"

Obleck: "Thank you miss rose for remembering that and to answer your question alchemy is science its the art of equivalent exchange basically the entire principle of alchemy is to make something something of equal value must be exchanged"

Blake: "and what did you mean the greatest sin and hubris?"

Obleck: "mr. arc is attempting to bring back the dead by trying to recreate a human through alchemy there is absolutly nothing of equal value to a soul as far as everyone knows of"

Nick: "Not quite whats the most valuable thing an alchemist can do?

Ruby: "Alchemy?"

Nick: "correct" here have a cookie

Nick: you can perfectly bring back a person from the deat or make a true human being but to do the alchemist must give up his door of truth the very thing that allows them do do alchemy once they give it up there ability to use alchemy is gone forever?

Jaune: "I don't care if its a sin! If it can give me back my family I will gladly be come a sinner to get them back as he put a drop of his blood in 9 bowls"

Saphron: "jaune no dont do it its not worth the risks"

he crouches down and slaps his hands together then place them on the ground the circle starts to glow and spark black miasma starts to spew out and then a giant eye ball formed in the circle it grabs onto jaune and start to deconstruct him jaune screams in pain as it looked like when jaune would disappear

Yang: "whoa wtf just happened there is that supposed to happen?!"

Nick: "Yes actually he committed a sin in alchemy so now he has to face truth"

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