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Pedro let CoCo fix the collar of his suit while he continued to scroll through his phone. Seeing all of the things people were saying about Shiloh. He was surprised most of the people were complimenting her, saying great things about her shop, even giving kudos to Pedro for marrying such a beautiful woman. He couldn't help but give himself a mental pat on the back at those comments.

His thoughts were intruded by the sound of heels walking towards him in the living room. Pedro's eyes shifted and his jaw dropped. Shiloh stood in a white dress, long sleeves hanging off of her forearms while two sparkly straps laid over her shoulders. Her hair was left with its natural wave as it peaked over her shoulders before the rest fell to her back. This was Pedro's first time seeing her with makeup and he was stunned that she was even more gorgeous with it. A light rose tint to her cheeks, light Maude glossed lips, and mascara that was shadowed by winged eyeliner. "Wow."

Shiloh blushed seeing his eyes move over her in a slow motion. "I know right? Much better than what we got married in." She said making Pedro chuckle.

"Shiloh, you look gorgeous."

"Thanks Mando." Pedro's face fell at the name she wouldn't stop calling him. "I know you hate it but I like it. Sorry Hubby." Now that one he didn't mind so much. As much as he played off that he hated that nickname, he actually loved it and didn't want anyone else to ever call him that but her.

"Do you need anything before we leave?"

"Just to know if I'm suppose to be adding Pascal to the end of my name and if we have a backstory?" Pedro wasn't even sure himself but he wondered if they could take the Rachel and Ross approach to this.

"We'll just wing it."

"Winging its how we got here, maybe I'll be pregnant by the end of the night?" She joked, hoping the Plan B was in her system doing its job. Making light of the anxiety that was sitting inside of her that she was somehow able to keep on the low.

"Only if you're a good girl and stop calling me Mando." Pedro winked.

"Would you rather me call you, Papi Chulo?" Pedro froze at the name, it was like a symphony coming out of her mouth.

He shrugged, trying to keep himself put together in front of his wife who he was trying to impress. "Why not?"

Shiloh slipped her hand in the crease of his bent elbow as they walked out of the house and towards the big black car that would be taking them to the event. Pedro opened the door for her which made Shiloh's heart flutter at his chivalry. "Is there a limit to my fangirling tonight?"

Pedro at first wasn't listening he was staring at the diamond covered ring on her finger. "I don't think there's a limit. Just don't tackle anyone."

"Oh god I'm not that kind of fan girl!" She laughed. "I just mean like pointing everyone out and getting distracted easily like a dog with squirrels."

"Go for it. I feel like doing that will keep you distracted and that's probably for the best." Shiloh knew he was right and wondered if he thought she was going to be crazy for the way she might act. Though she didn't know him and didn't know how this would all end up, she didn't want to scare him away out of her life forever if they ended up being friends.

For Shiloh, the night was a blur but for Pedro it moved in slow motion. All beginning when the car arrived at the red carpet. Security letting him out first where he laid his hand out for Shiloh to grab. She almost crawled back into the car when she heard the shouting from fans and camera people that were surrounding the carpet but the moment she caught Pedro's eyes she felt okay. "Mr. and Mrs. Pascal, you'll take your place on this first 'x' and move when a coordinator instructs you too. Enjoy your evening." The security spoke before sending them on their way.

Wrapped Around Your Finger [Pedro Pascal]Where stories live. Discover now