🏦Bob Day Afternoon💵

Start from the beginning

Tanner: That sounds more interesting than the show itself.

Gene: Look at all those police! This is a good time for me to be stuck in that tree again.

Linda: Kids! Get in here!

Inside . . .

Gene: Channel six news. They'll finger anything with a pulse.

Bob: I'm pretty sure their slogan is, their "finger's on the pulse," Gene. 

Gene: No!

Bob: That can't be right.

Gene: It's right.

Linda: Ooh, SWAT team's here. Intense.

Tina: That guy's important. You can tell by the way he points.

Gene: He' s fingering right at us!

Bosco: Tell those guys to get behind the barricade, now! There's a hostage situation at the bank. We need this restaurant.

Minutes later . . .

Bob: (whispers): This is, um, interesting. The restaurant will get on TV. 

Linda: (whispers): I know. I was just thinking the same thing.

Bob: (whispers): That's a lot of coffee's going out. Write it all down, all the coffees, we got to keep track.

Officer #1: (on radio): snipers are in position on the roof.

Linda: (whispers): Oh, God, that's embarrassing. Our gutters are a mess.

Louise: Hello. My name's Louise. I would like to donate a piece of my personal chalk in case you need to outline a body.

Tina: Is my money safe in that bank?

Bosco: What are these kids doing here?!

Bob: U-Uh, they're our kids. They, uh, work-slash-live here.

Bosco: Well, keep them out of the way. You got me?

Officer #2: Do I have a hard line yet? Line's up.

???: (heavy breathing)

Bosco: Who's breathing on my line?!

Gene: All I know is I was just talking to Ken, and now I'm on hold at the bank. (Phone gets taken) Hey!

Bosco: Everyone shhhh! God, we're making the call. Shut up. (On Phone) This is Sergeant Bosco, and I'm in charge. Uh, who am I speaking with? . . All right, Mickey, how many people you got in there? . . . Eight. Okay, Mickey, this is what we're gonna do: You . . . Uh-huh. He wants pizza.

Bob: Oh, come on.

Bosco: They always want pizza. Isn't there an ltalian place across the street?

Officer #3: Jimmy Pesto's? Heard that place was pretty good.

Bosco: Get six pizzas over there quick.

Bob: No. That could've been huge for us.

Tanner: Crap.

Sometime later, Jimmy Pesto and Trev deliver their food, but not without wearing their shirts as an attempt to get customers.

Jimmy Pesto: I hope this standoff ends... pizza-fully. (laughs)

Trev: Pepper-ono-he-didn't!

Bob: Ugh, you believe this? Pesto is getting the free advertising we were supposed to get.

Tanner: This sucks.

The robber, Mickey comes out slowly -- using the bank manager as a shield so the police don't try to shoot him. A mechanical rover drives over, via remote control by an officer, to deliver the pizzas. The pizzas are taken inside.

(mechanical whirring)

Gene: How does, uh... one get into robot driving? (gasps) Did you go to robot college?!

Gene's Fantasy:

Gene: Come on, give me your keys, Seth.

Seth: (robotic slurring): I'm fine. I only have to drive .37 miles. We're in college, dude. ChiLlaaaaaaaax. (retching)


Gene: (panting) Are you sure you guys are naked?!

Robot #1: Totally.

Male OC x Louise Belcher | A Bob's Burgers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now