chapter 10 Quizlet

Start from the beginning

"Really? That's interesting. Why does tommy play flute?"

"I don't know , he said it makes him feel alive. He won't admit it to anyone but he was in a band, we had a family folk band. We won a couple completions but this was before highschool. And when we got to highschool, and people started to recognize me from the band. I felt embarrassed- to say the least. . . Then I didn't like fame, it was either good comments or bad ones. I didn't like the attention so the 'family band' was gone. Sometimes we still played." Techno explained.

He hated the fact that Dream knew how to get information out of him. Not that he had bad intentions, but he hated the fact he just spilled his own secrets and thoughts.

"Wait, what did you play?" Dream asked kindly.

Techno hesitated, "It doesn't matter."

"Oh, okay then, it's fine if you won't tell me, but hey what was your bands name?"

"The Hybrids. Humans loved us along with alot of hybrids." He sighed.

"Do you like even like folk? Or fiddle?"

"Of course, my father was Irish, he had a viola (Techno showed a sign of discomfort in that instrument. He hated the sound of it.) and he died with it too. Remembering now, everytime it's he's birthday, my mom sends me this music sheet of the song he played when I was a baby. He was in this band called the Fish Inside A Bird Cage. Something like that. " Dream explained.

Techno sighed as he kneeld down and grabbed the pan-flute and checked the price tag.

"I'm still listening dream, you can continue." He reassured him.

Dream felt a wave of calmness. "Well- uhm. . . I never had the interest of playing the violin or viola, so I don't even know how the song goes. My mother- she was pirate, still is. Works over seas, literally. I was always on the water, and that's how my mom met my dad I think? She never played the violin but she danced and wrote song, he could sing though. Gosh- why- why am I telling you this?" Dream questioned aloud.

"That's a lovely story Dream. I don't know why we both do that, tell each other stories. I thought I didn't like you. . . "

"I thought so too actually, now I honestly don't know. Do you want to be friends?" Dream asked suddenly.

They both stared at each other, "I - I think the reason you and I don't want to admit were friends is because we might be scared to loose this silly rivalry thing we have going on, you know? I don't want to loose that stupid side of you, and us fighting. I quite enjoy that. . . And us being friends- won't that take it away?"

"Do want it like that? We can be friends and play fight. It's okay to do that you know." Dream chuckled.

They both started to chuckle softly.

"Then yes, I'd like to be friends with you, Technoblade." Dream put out his hand.

Technoblade smirked and shook it, "why of course, Dream."

They laughed and they're hands let go. They felt suddenly warm, they didn't really know how to explain it but they felt oddly warm. Like a connection, a spark, something like that made them feel not alone.

"So, you ganna buy something?"

"Nah, I just wanted to look around. Wanna go home or ???"

"I kinda want to go home, wanna walk or take a cab?" Dream asked.

"How about walk, it's only like an hour walk. A little adventure?" Techno suggested.

"Oo that would be cool !!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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