I know I should be out there trying to help him, especially because no one helped me before but I do not know what to say. What would possibly help in this situation?” 

Koras hand squeezed my own as we both sat there contemplating. The situation felt hopeless no matter How you looked at it.

“Maybe, you don't say anything.” She spoke up. Looking at her confused she gave a small smile.

“Sometimes there isn't anything that can be said to help another With their grief. But that doesn't mean you can't do anything to help. just being there for him is enough, if we stay by His side we can pick him up if he falls and help him to Keep going.”

Reaching up I cupped kora's face in my palms and put my Forehead against hers. “You always know what the right thing to do is.” She smiled And cupped my face in her hands. 

“Did you ever doubt me?” She giggled. “Now go find him and hurry back or else someone might get antsy if they realize their daddy's gone.” 

Smiling, I stood Up and pulled the blanket more snugly over kora. “Go inside for now I'll be back soo- “

The sound of bushes rustling caught our attention and we looked towards the forest. Appearing from behind the trees and large ferns we saw Azriel but what really shocked us was that he carried in his arms. 

Kora stood up beside me watching in just as much shock As me. “Alita?”

Azriel stepped out of the treeline completely and the female in his arms looked to us and smiled as he set her back on her feet. “Hey guys...”

“Alita!” Nanku And xeith cried out from behind us. I watched as they rushed out of The cavern towards her and azriel before practically throwing themselves at her in a group hug.

“Whoa!” She laughed and hugged them back. “I missed you guys too!” me and kora made our way over still baffled by her appearance.

Azriel Growled and had to pry the boys off her so as to give her some breathing room. “That's enough.” He snapped at them while holding her protectively.

Both the younger boys pouted And glared back at him definitely. “It's really you- how did you…” koras Voice trailed off as she stepped forward. 

Alita smiled and patted Azriels arm so he would ease up on his hold. pulling Away from him she came up to kora and grabbed her hands. “It's a long story.”

Kora smiled and I could see tears forming as she pulled Alita into a hug. Both women held onto each other embracing Like one would After not sing a lost family member in a long while while I looked at Azriel. He couldn't take her eyes off her and I could see he was struggling to hold himself back from taking her into his arms once again.  

As Alita and Kora finally separated, a few others from the tribe gathered to see what the commotion was all about. 

“Alita what happened to you!?” Nanku exclaimed. “yeah why were you gone for so long! You had us worried sick!” xeith followed. 

Azriel crossed his arms over his chest as he watched over the interaction with slight annoyance. It was receiving to see him returning back to way he was before.

“I'm sorry guys I had some things I had to take care of up there…I didn't mean to worry anyone I thought about you all every day!” 

“You can't leave us ever again!” Nanku pouted. She smiled, patting his head before looking more closely at kora. He smile turning into a look of surprise.

“kora, are you…” I stepped over puking my arm around kora as she smiled and put her hands over her stomach. “Yeah, kinda crazy right? We have a little one on the way! I'm about four months along now… with how fast they are growing we're expecting in two more months!” Kora stated cheerfully.

“That's wonderful…” Alita smiled but I could sense something was off. She had more tears forming in her eyes and azriel seemed unnerved, moving closer to her. She seemed happy for us but there was something else… 

“you look like you've gained some weight as well, I'm guessing life in krosa has been treating you well?” kora stated jokingly with a small laugh. 

Immediately I could see Alitas arms wrap around herself as her smile became a bit sadder and Azriel was quick to pull her against himself. It can't be…

Kora looked at the two questioningly as Alita stayed quiet before taking a deep breath. “actually… I'm expecting too.”

Everyone around gasped and murmured in shock. The boys suddenly backed off a bit as kora looked at Alita with wide eyes. 

“I found out not too long ago.” She admitted quietly.

Kora rushed forward and happily grabbed Alitas hand once more, nearly squealing in excitement. “That's wonderful news! You have to tell me everything!” She stopped and gasped before looking to me and Azriel. 

“We have to get her new blankets and everything!! She Needs new clothes That will fit her!”placing my hand on kora's back I smiled at the two females. “Do not worry we will get everything settled out. I will help azriel with hunting for new pelts as he has done for me.

Koras excitement over the situation and the many congratulations and questions about Alita's pregnancy from all of those around us seemed to drastically Cheer her up but I could shake the feeling that there was something wrong. Looking at Azriel I could tell he could sense it too but didn't seem to have the answers either.

Alita seemed relieved to be her once again. Almost too relieved… had something happened while she was in the human's care? It is the only thing I could think of that would make her react in such an off manner. 

After much talking I could see Azriel getting more and more anxious over his mate. He wanted to spend time with her and take care of her…no he needed to do so, but he did not wish to tear her away from the others after being away for so long. 

Her pregnancy had yet to fully register within his body and mind. So he was controlling himself to some extent but just knowing about it was already setting in motion the changes to his own body. Soon he will become protective and possessive of her making things a bit more difficult. Especially after being away for so long. 

They needed time alone together to readjust and get back in sync. It was shocking enough to have Alita back here with us once again, but to find out she's also carrying his kit? Azriels innermost instincts would be out of balance from all these sudden changes. 

Deciding to step in I grabbed kora by the shoulders, interrupting her conversation with Alita while also glancing at the boy's. 

“we are all glad to have you back and safe within the tribe… it is late and I'm sure we could all use some proper rest. Especially you, your mate has been anxious to see you again. Kora needs her sleep or else she will be cranky in the morning so we shall call it here.”

Kora all but glared at me defiantly and the boys quickly said their goodbyes to Alita, knowing all too well that Azriel wasn't stable with her current condition. “I am not cranky in the mornings!” Kora raised her voice at me as I guided her back towards the cavern.

The last bit of the crowd dispersed and I quickly shooed a ranting kora into our den. Glancing back I could see Azriel leading Alita back to their own den. 

They embraced each other once more before retiring inside, out of sight. 

“Elazar! You better take back what you said!” Kora shouted from inside and I sighed. 

“lower your voice or else you will scare off all the animals in the forest and we will have nothing but fruit for breakfast when I go hunting in the morning.”

entering our den I let the leather curtain fall behind me As I retired For the night.

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