Lana & Zala

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Weeks before

The last couple of weeks have been really stressful for the band, they had gigs everywhere and they had to travel a lot. I couldn't come with them because of Neža and Žana, they were now almost 8 and they were at the age where they are really stubborn and they really don't listen..... I really thought they were over that phase 3 years ago.

The guys from joker out had a big gig coming up, the biggest one in their career. They now were on their way for the clothing's, they had to fit everything and make a few changes but they weren't in Ljubljana for that no they were in Italy for that. Bojan texted me a picture of the outfit and WOW they were really amazing. I sented a picture of Neža en Žana back because I knew he missed them and they missed him. Bojan was a really good dad for them, I didn't expect anything else from him but it was so nice to see how well he handled everything. Sometimes it was hard for him to combine his work and the kids and it was really bothering him that he couldn't be there for everything like their first steps and their first school day, he missed all of that.

Bojan was coming home in 3 days and I couldn't handle it anymore I needed his hugs, he was a really good hugger. Even though I had Neža and Žana I kinda felt lonely. She decided to call Zala, Zala was always there for me and if I'm being honest it's been a while since we really met up, I was so busy with the kids. I grappled my phone and I clicked on her contact and pressed the call button. After 3 rings she picked up the phone. "Hey Lana what's up?" She asked me " are you down to hang out, we have a lot to talk about since it's been a while" I said. "Yes of course I'm down." I'll be there as soon as possible!" She said exited. I really love Zala, our friendship wasn't the kind we needed to text each other every single day, sometimes we texted like once a week but we know we can always call each other and we will always be there for the other one.

After an hour I heard someone knock on my door, I stood up from the couch and I walked to the door and there she was my beautiful best friend Zala. "Heyyyyy ugh I missed you" I said while pulling her into a hug. "I missed you too" she said back to me. When our hug was over she grabbed something out of her bag " I couldn't come without a bottle of our favorite wine" she said. I laughed at her and I invited her inside.

Neža en Žana where sitting on the couch watching a kids TV show they where glued to the TV so I turned it off and they immediately looked mad at me but when they saw their aunty Zala they stood up and hugged her tight. I am so glad my kids love my best friend because I was always scared that for some reason they wouldn't but they really see Zala as their aunty. I couldn't wait for Zala to get kids, I know she would be a fabulous mom, I can see it in the way she treats my kids. Since it was our girl talk I told the kids to play in their room and after a while of rebuttal they went to their room but they could bring their tablet with them, I normally didn't want the kids to have any sort of technology in their room because I want them to play with each other and not be glued to a tablet 24/7 but since Zala here was I allowed it for once.

Zala went to the kitchen to grab two wine glasses and she poured the wine into the 2 glasses and she poured a bit more in mine and I gave here wtf look and she just looked at me and said" it looked like you really needed it" she just simply told me. "So when is Bojan coming back?" She asked me and I sighed "in three days" I said and took a big sip of my wine.

It was getting late and I had put the kids in bed. "So they are asleep now" I said to Zala "I need more wine" I said "you're lucky I brought more" Zala said.  " your making me sound like an alcoholic now" I said to her and she just laughed.
We decided to watch a movie together, I made some popcorn and I putted the left over chips I had into different bowls and I put it on the table. I told Zala to pick a movie because I am not good with movies and she just picked a random romcom we both haven't seen yet.

After the movie I asked Zala to stay here overnight  because I kinda felt lonely and she agreed she always has her extra stuff here because sometimes we do these random sleepovers, the first time Bojan looked so surprised when it happened she just opens one of the drawers in my closet and grabbed her stuff out of it, Bojan always thought it was my stuff but nope Zala owned 2 of my drawers in my closet.

We brushed our teeth and we went to bed and we talked about life, these late night talks are the best. We talked about Zala's life but we quickly went to the subject Bojan... "so how are you handling it with him gone for so long?" She asked me and I broke down because I couldn't handle it anymore it sometimes was just too much. "Oh come here Lana" Zala said and she hugged me tight. "I know you and I know Bojan I know that I he is also struggling with it, I just know he misses you and the kids. Maybe you 2 can talk about it when he is back or maybe you should look for a different job where you have some flexibility so that you can travel with them." Zala said to me and I never really thought of that a different job would maybe make things easier like a job I could do from the comfort of my own home. This was something I was gonna think about later, all I could think about now was sleeping I knew Zala loved sleeping with the touch of someone so I didn't break our hug I just closed my eyes and I fell asleep in the arms of my best friend.

Lmao hey guys I'm back haha it's been a while and wow a lot has happened in those 1,5 month that I've been gone but the best thing was that I went to joker out last month jeez what do I miss those silly little Slovenians. ANYWAAAYSSS I hope you enjoy this chapter :) LOTS OF LOVE

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