Chapter Three

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A verse for you: Proverb 12 Vrs 4 "A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness to his bone"





Elizabeth removed her sleeping mask harshly sucking in harsh breath, she rubbed her face throwing away her blanket she was so tired she barely slept.

It just kept hunting her, she looked at her reflection in the mirror while she brushed her teeth she looked like a zombie.

She did her early morning routine, before taking her bath.

She took out a red gown with a black overall and a red heels. She took out a mini bag to pair with it.

She did a little makeup to cover up the fact that she didn't get enough sleep.

" Good morning ma" the driver greeted but she just ignored him lost in her thought with her chin stuck up high and her shades on.

Immediately the car pulled up at Starbucks she wasted no time in getting out to take her daily coffee ☕.

" Good morning Miss Williams" she waved at the doorman before walking into the car.

She walked to the reception with her heels making a clacking sound.

" Good morning ma'am" Jane the receptionist greeted before going back to her duties.

" You have a visitor miss Williams" Her personal assistant announced.

" Who?" She removed her shades looking at her personal assistant.

" Miss Lara " Elizabeth groaned inwardly she had thought of coming to the office to work not to chit chat with Lara over her failed dates.

" Thank you " she waved her personal assistant off.

She opened her office door to see Lara eating burgers and fries on her table.

" Jeez! Lara get those off my table" she screamed dumping her bag on the table.

She didn't want rats in her office eating her important documents.

" Hey bitch" Lara stood up enveloping her in a bone crushing hug.

" I have told you not to call me a bitch" Elizabeth scolded and she rolled her eyes.

" Whatever! But bitch you look cute" she said bitch again twirling Elizabeth around, Elizabeth pinched the bridge of her nose knowing Lara could never take to correction.

" What brings you here Lara?" Elizabeth walked to her office chair bringing out her laptop to work.

" Can't I just visit my friend ?" She pouted her red painted lips.

Elizabeth gave her an unamused look which made her slump her shoulder.

" Fine! I was having a break down " she took a tissue from Elizabeth table dabbing her fake tears.

" What's the breakdown about?" Elizabeth sipped her coffee which was almost cold.

" Okay I went to the club on Friday " she sniffled.

Her sniffling had started to annoy Elizabeth.

" I met this guy he was cute and was tall and I felt this connection with him" Elizabeth rolled her eyes she always felt connection with every guy.

" And then we started to dance, we had a couple of drinks and then the we were naked in a motel. He was so big down there Elizabeth he was so sweet and....."

" Hey! Get to the point Lara " Elizabeth shouted at her tired of her describing the guy's whatever she didn't want to hear that part.

" I just want you to...." She dabbed her eyes and Elizabeth glared.

" No! To the point!" She half yelled

" Okay then.... After that in the morning he started screaming telling me to get off the bed and get out. That I was a fucking one night stand and then... And then" she chocked on her sob and Elizabeth scoffed.

" He threw money on me like I was a fucking prostitute " she broke down.

" Okay first of all Lara you fornicated "

" What! No!" She protested

" You had sex without even dating the guy or the guy having intentions to marry you jeez! " Elizabeth scoffed and Lara's mouth hung open.

" It's not called fornicating Eli it's having a good time" she frowned offended by Elizabeth's choice of word.

" But my Bible says it's fornicating " Elizabeth argued arranging her desk.

" Can you keep your Bible aside for now it's not Sunday and besides you need to stop stressing yourself "

" By fornicating? No!" She pursed her lips.

" Whatever! Well...." She drawled.

" There's this cool party going on downtown and rich elites are going to be there" she wriggled her brow at Elizabeth who gave her an unamused look.

" No! I have work to do "

" No you don't the bibles says no to lying " she tried to use the bible against her as she did to her.

" Well I am not lying I have this party to attend, my investors are hosting this party" she shook her head typing on her laptop.

" Well maybe we can go tomorrow?"

" No! I am busy " she threw her coffee cup into the trash can.

" Elizabeth live a little" Lara screamed.

" I am living much more than you can imagine" she gestured with her hands.

" Everyday you go home ordering food, doing yoga or working on your stupid ass laptop " she yelled angrily.

" Okay.... That's enough Lara you can't insult my yoga and my laptop brooo that's it"

" What would you do?" She yelled

" Probably sign you up for that stupid therapy session you hate and have the therapist come over stating that's it's mandatory you sign up for it"

" You wouldn't dare" she squinted her eyes.

" Watch me" she swerved her chair with an evil smirk which made Lara shiver.


Heyyy my muchkins how are you doing I hope you enjoyed this chapter? Comment your thoughts.

Question: What gift of the holy spirit would you love to have?

Mine: speaking in tongues.

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