Hes back.

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(6 months later)

Me and Johnnie are doing really well and i have moved all my things into his room but we are moving to a new house like literally tomorrow so almost everything is boxed up. The only thing i know about it is that it has a swimming pool and a cinema. It sounds really cool and im so excited.

The next day

Jake-"Okay, has everyone got everything because we wont be coming back."
Johnnie-"Yeah i put it all in my bag"
Jake-"Okay y/n have you and actually Tara have you?"
Tara-"yeah we both have dont worry"
"Yeah i have"
Jake-"okay come on then the moving truck is leaving now."

We all walked outside but my stomach turned once i saw my dads car.
I froze remembering everything he had put me through.

Johnnie-"Y/n...? You okay...?"

Everyone turned around to look at me but i couldnt speak. My face went white and i started shaking.

Johnnie came over and grabbed my arms.

"My dad...." I whispered
"MY DAD!" I screamed as they turned around to look in the car.
I began to scream as johnnie grabbed me and pulled me into the car slamming the door.

Johnnie-"Jake, Tara get in the car now."

Jake immediately got in and started the car while Tara got in the passenger seat. As soon as we had our seatbelts on he pressed his foot onto the accelerator.

I turned around to see if he was still there but i saw him follow us.

I just wrapped my arms around johnnie and shoved my face into his neck crying my eyes out.

He had a hand on my head and one rubbing my back.

Johnnie-"shhh your okay im here we will protect you."

I couldnt think about anything positive only when i would get beaten everyday.

How did they let him out of prison!? How did he know i was here....?

Jake-"i will drive around and if he is still following us i am calling the police."

We drove around for 10 more minutes and he was still following us.

Jake-"thats it im calling them."

Jake set his phone up and rang the police.

911-"hello 911 whats your emergency?"
Jake-"so my freinds abusive dad wont stop following us and we are worried hes going to do something."
991-"has he done anything yet?"
Jake-"no he has not but-"

Jake got cut off.

911-"well im afraid we cant do anything but if he does anything ring us."
Jake-"are you joking"
911-"no im not"

Jake got angry and hung up meanwhile im still in hysterics clinging onto johnnie.

Tara-"i think we should just go home and if he does anything call the police jake you are strong you could prolly beat him up"

I sat up and wiped my tears.

"Yeah jake xould you just drive us home please?.."
Jake-"yeah ofcourse"

We started driving home my dad still behind us. If he comes anywhere near me im literally going to kill him.
Johnnie looked down at me.

Johnnie-"its okay y/n i will keep you safe."
"Thank you johnnie i dont know what i would do without you"
He put his arm around me and hugged me.
Johnnie-"neither would i."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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