Our day out pt2

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We arrived at I-hop at Jakes request and walk in. The waiter seats us next to a window. Jake and Johnnie sit on one side me and Tara on the other. Johnnie was right infront of me.

"Hey what drinks would you guys like!"the waiter asked.

I didnt want to gain any weight.

"Could i have a water please"
"Yeah of course. What about you 3?!"
"Lemonade please"-Tara
"Could i have a coke aswell please"
Johnnie asked.

Hes so polite

Everyone starts looking at them menus and i dont know what to say.
"Hey y/n what are you getting"
Tara looked at me i felt put on the spot.
"Oh , uh nothing i already had something this morning im not that hungry."
I hoped she would believe me.
"Are you sure?..."
"Yeah definitely"
Thank god i didnt want anybody to know i was starving myself but i need to stop making it obvious at times.
Everybody orderes their food and when i came i went to the bathroom.
I began to cry about to begin anither panic attack.
Before I started shaking and feeling like i cant breathe i quickly pulled my phone out texting Johnnie.
"Would you be able to come to the bathroom"
It was one of them restrooms where only 1 person went in at a time no cubicles just a toilet with a door and a lock.
He responds almost immediately.
"Yeah i wont be a second"
Almost ad soon as he sent that text i haerd a knock on the door.
I unlocked the door leeting him in signalling him to lock the door.
Then my panic attack started. But the thing is i couldnt tell him what was wrong.
"Hey you okay whats wrong?.."
Like yesterday i couldn't actually get any words out so i just sat there feeling worthless.
He just looked at me and then came and hugged me.
This time i hugged him back and put my head into his neck.
"Your alright, your safe"he whispered , stroking my back.

I began to slowly stop crying and once i had full stopped. He stopped hugging me, putting his hands on either side of my face.
"Now can you tell me what is wrong?"
"No.... Not really sorry"
"Yes you can.."
"I would but i cant.. sorry"
"Yes you can you can trust me"
"Omg fine i have an eating disorder and i got scared!"i slighty yelled.

He then sat there in silence then huggud me. Really tight.
After about 3 minutes he got up.
"Come on you don't have to eat a full meal but you can share some of mine."
"Okay thanks. And also please dont tell Tara i dont want to to worry her"
"I wont tell anyone. I promise"

We walked back to the table and sat down.
"Hey you okay?"Tara asked me concerned.

Probably because my eyes were red.

"She almost threw up" Johnnie answered. I looked up at him smiling.
"Did you omg are you okay now"
"Yeah thanks Tara"
"Okay no problem"
The food came snd johnnie looked at me.
He had gotten a chicken sandwhich with some fries. He gave me this look and then looked at his fries, hinting for me to grab some. I took a fry and then ate it.
I raised my head to look at me and he looked..proud?"
I smiled at him, then went on my phone to text him.
"I dont want anymore you can have the rest"
I signalled at him to check his phone and he did.
"Just one more fry"
"Okay fine but just the fry"
I put my phone down and grabbed one more fry.
I ate it and he was smiling at me. He went on his phone then i got a notification.
"Im proud of you. Just take baby steps you dont have to leap."
"Thank you Johnnie🖤"
He put his phone down and smiled at me.

Once everyone else had eaten we paid and left.

"So! Where should we go!" Tara squealed as she turned around.
"Could we go to the arcades?.."
"OMG y/n your a genius.! We are definitely going to the arcades"'
"Yay okay"

The drive was about 30 minutes as all the main arcades where on the sea front and i was tired.
I rested my head in johnnies shoulder and closed my eyes.

I woke up to him cradling me and i was facing his chest. He looked down at me as i sat up.
" goodmorning sleepyhead did you rest well"
"Yeah i did actually" i stretched.

But when i looked around Tara and Jake werent in the car.
"Wheres Tara and Jake?"
"They already went inside but i wanted to let you rest."
"Oh thanks what time is it"
He looked at his phone then looked back at me now sitting up.
"Jesus. How long was i asleep?"
"About3 hours"
"And you sat here the full time not moving?"
"Oh uh yeah. You looked tired"
"Well come on we have a few hours before the sun sets."

We both got out the car walking towards the arcades. Whilst walking my hand brushed past his and he looked down interlocking his fingers.
I did too.

As we walked in looking for either Tara or Jake we didnt really have to look far as Jake was raging at this claw machine.
"Hey Jake wheres Tara?"
"Oh hey y/n she's over there" he pointed at some random place. I turned around and slowly let go of johnnies hand. Smiling.

I walked about 5 seconds and found her. Also raging at another silly little arcade machine.
"Hey y/n did you sleep well?"
"Yeah i did actually, thanks"
"Its no problem." She paused and looked at me with puppy dog eyes.
"Could you help me win this, pleaseee"
"Yeah sure"
"Thank you Thank you!!"
She squealed jumping around.

At 8pm the arcade closed.
"Hey that was fun"-T
"Yeah it was we need to do that more aften."

I agreed with Jake.
"Guys should we walk to the beach now.?"
"Omg yesss"

The beach was about a 5 minute walk.

"Last one theres a loser"Tara screamed running off.
I ran straight after her giggling .
She got all the way to the beach and jumped onto the sand with me trailing right behind her.
"Hah we arent losers." I joked laughing at her.
"Yeah even if i lost i wouldnt of been a loser."
"Fair enough."

Literally just after Johnnie and Jake arrived and we just started walking along the beach. We atopped when the sun started to set and sat down.

I sat next to Johnnie and Tara with Jake next to Tara. I began to fall tired again.

"Johnnie?" I looked up at him.
"Could i rest my head on your shoulder"
"Yeah of course!"
"Okay thanks" i said leaning my head onto his shoulder.
"It truly is so peaceful to watch the sun set like this"Tara yawned.
"Yeah, it is"

Once the sun had set i couldnt move for my life. I was to tired. But the Johnnie picked me up and carried me to the car.
By the way he hsd picked me up he must have thought i was a feather.

Im pretty sure i actually fell asleep in the car because i cant remember anything else other than my shoes getting took off and i was getting tucked into bed.
"Thanks"I mumbled, half asleep.
"Goodnight beautiful"

Them i felt a kiss on my forehead and the door shut as He walked out. At this point i couldnt think and just fell straight back to sleep.

Johnnies pov

"Yeah man"
"I think i like y/n but we dont really know each other that well and i dont think she likes me back."
"She definitely does and i will get Tara to ask her but are you sure you want to be in a other relationship after alex?"
"Yeah shes in the past now i need to think of the future".
"Okay i will speak to Tara"
"Thanks man goodnight"
"Goodnight bro"

I walked upstairs into my bedroom and i couldnt stop thinking about her as i got ready for bed.i took my shirt off and just put some random pants on. Im gonna be asleep anyway.

I got into bed and went on my phone for a bit as i was tired and didnt want to stream. I slowly dosed off.

Hi guys i feel like this is kinda boring should i make it more interesting and how hive my ideas guys!!💗💗
Word count : 1450

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