Chapter 3: The Invitation

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Applause for her sin deed? Surely, it doesn't sound much like a Cookie who used to guide as a Hero. Nevertheless, it does not bother her much, for she already knew other Cookies felt no secondhand embarrassment on her, nor they reprehend her for mistake. Of course, in a peaceful communal under the five great Heroes' blissful cover, no Cookie learnt what is pushing one another to the fault.

In disbelief, she would like to accept that her eyes decieved herself and the words she heard to be a lie, but the fact is yelling evenly spreading throughout her head. In paused moment of shock, her urgent willing to see White Wine Cookie increased than ever from incoming panic. "It's a pleasure to meet one of the almight Heroes! My apologize that I made recklessly submissive acts." Immediately, she apologize firstly to show honorable manner before getting into questionable topics.

But, right after receiving a quick reaction from C/F Cookie, he stood with a confused face, until he brought out his widest grin at her.

"Eh he he he!!! Why thank you for your considerate proceedings!" Shadow Milk Cookie laughed off instead of scolding her, or at least, rebuke her some manner education to respect someone. However, what kind of Cookie-but with a complete lost of sense-would consider her compassion to rudeness? He must say, he rather seems to find her sudden hit realization was quite an amusement to see.

"Aren't you... mad at me?" Caught off guard, C/F Cookie looked up at him with slightly widen eyes in shock, as his response was unexpected.

"Mad? Me? Who told you I am to gone mad oh, so easily? Oh, surely you heard a few tricky rumors to get your head fully in tragic! Hah! Now, I wonder who would spread such fraud words of me?" His perky tone became desperated from what it is regularly sounds like, never dropping his hurtful smile. She suppose, it must've be painful to bear the largest smile on most times, but somewhat, that smile she find it rather creepy was oddly necessary to see in her sight. Perhaps, she gotten used to his appearance and actions

"There's no rumors existing to humiliate you. I just thought you would." C/F Cookie mumbled in disappointment, replying immediately, which shows enough of her anxiety. Speaking of which, she seems to be overwhelmed by his sudden arrival and quick talker, perhaps, she centrainly can not catch up to him. Of course, any Cookie who haven't met him even once would be panicked if they saw him in this kind of situation. He must agree that she is much more different than other citizen Cookies here.

"Ah, I didn't say that in threatening attitude, which would be extremely rude to have my newly met audience disrespected on their very first encounter with me!" He added ridiculous chuckles behind, finding her attempt to took the fault for herself without second thought amusing in a way. "I must say, I appreciate your empathy since I, Shadow Milk Cookie, the Cookie of Knowledge, here to guide the lost Cookies." He advert himself between his praise for her, hopping off of the bench to stood front in her with a filling smile drawn across his visage.

"It was nothing like empathy, just hardly a concern." Like some sort of an urge to avoid the topic, she simply shook off her feeling from this conversation, which might count as a honor or something relative.

"Then, how can I lighten that last longing concern of yours? I'm confident that you received my promise to help the lost ones." Shadow Milk Cookie made himself clear to gave her free advice from his polite service, leaving her without a choice. "Tell me, what concerns you soooo much that you can't get to share with anyone, mm?"

"...Frankly, I never felt safe in this town. I know, it's a ridiculous nonsense, but whenever I step into this town, exhaustion just wash over me like showering sky. Lately, I begin to concern about how can my friend catch up to this? And, what's most weird is that I never remembered what happened during last year's ceremony accident, or the previous years as well." With taking a sigh, she uttered a truth, just for the thought it is fine to reveal her depression to a stranger. Whether it was the accident that made her forgot, or some Cookie behind this madness caused to her, she always knew, no word and anything added will stop her concern of this confusing missing parts of her.

Liar's Beloved [Yan! Shadow Milk Cookie x Fem! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now