"You don't have to," Chan whispered, reading over my shoulder. "Like I said, it's really uncommon to get pregnant the first time."

"I'm not ready to be a mom," I told him.

"Okay," he replied. He didn't argue or push me.

"Are you ready to be a dad?" His not making me take the pill was odd. Shouldn't he be forcing it down my throat?

"I don't know. But I think I'd be good at it. Don't you?" His eyes lit up a bit, but I could see him trying to dim their sparkle so he wouldn't sway me.

I could picture him as a dad though. I could see Chan holding a baby, being so possessive and protective of it. I could see his excitement as his child took their first steps. I could see him tossing his kid in the air with their matching dimpled smiles while they played.

"You'd be a great dad," I smiled softly.

"You'd be a great mom," he hugged me from behind. "You can take it. You can choose not to take it. I'll support you either way."

"Isn't this going too fast?" I asked, turning to face him and finding that he had me pinned between his waist and the countertop. Even though I felt so close to him, I had to remind myself that we hadn't been dating that long.

"I think every relationship has its own pace. If this is ours, then that's what it is," he muttered as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"So, if there's a baby Chan in me right now, that would be totally fine with you?"

"Or a baby Ella," he pointed out. "But yes. That would be fine with me."

He stared at my stomach as though he were trying to figure out if there in fact was a baby there.

"We have a few days, right? Before I have to take it?" I whispered. Watching Chan be so certain made me unsure of what I wanted.

"Right. And, like I said, it's unlikely you're pregnant anyway. It takes some couples months or even years," he gave me a small disappointed look.

Did he really want this? Already?

"Okay," I put my hands against his chest. "I'll wait then until I know for sure what I want to do."

Chan kissed my cheek and looked so happy at the potential for our own little family. Was this real, though? Would he want something different if I actually was pregnant?

I needed to take the next couple of days to figure out what I wanted. We needed to have a more serious conversation about it.

But having imagined Chan as a dad and seeing the glimmer in his eye, part of me wanted it for him. I hoped that we'd get to that place together. If not now, then in the future when things settled down a bit and our relationship wasn't so new.

I jumped up on the counter behind me and pulled him in for a kiss.

"We'll be okay," he reassured me.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket, and he pulled it out and handed it to me. It was Agent Branson.

"Hello?" I answered the phone and held my wrist out for Chan to take the bracelet off in case something was said that JYP shouldn't hear.

He put it back into his bag, and we walked into the bedroom and closed the door.

"Hello, Ella. Is Chan there, too?"

Commercial Break:

I'm not in the FBI. I have absolutely no idea how investigations work. If you're in the FBI and reading this wondering, "What the fuck? That's not how we'd do that?" First of all, don't you have bigger issues going on than the realism of a fan fiction, Sandra? Secondly, we know Area 51 doesn't have aliens. Why would you keep alien secrets where everyone would suspect it, Tony? We're not stupid.
Okay, anyway...please continue.


"Yes, we're here," I replied, switching the phone to speakerphone.

"JYP is still in America. He has a flight out soon. If you want to help us prove it's him, we'll have to act now," she said hurriedly.

"What can we do?" I asked.

"You need to fabricate a story for him to hear and release to the press."

"Okay. So if we said Ella was pregnant or something and that got to the media, how would you trace it back to JYP?" Chan asked.

"We have someone tailing him while we wait for the authorization to gain access to his private computers."

"Okay," I was confused by the legal jargon. "So we just convince him I'm possibly pregnant, and then you'll wait to see if he jumps on the information?"

"Yes," she replied. "I've got to go into a meeting, but I will update you if anything progresses."

"Okay," Chan replied.

"One last thing," I asked. "Is there a way you can stop the news from circulating? I don't want everyone, including my mother, to be speculating about that if we can help it."

"I'll see what we can do."



I am pro-choice. So is Ella.
I wanted to explain this because I know some of yall might be like... "just take it"... but it's more of a decision for her than that. And also it's for the plot.

 And also it's for the plot

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Also...I cannot believe I got to Number 1 on the Stray Kids tag this week! Ya'll are the best!

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