A smile played on my lips as I followed his instructions and completed reps. He then had me cool down with various stretches to maintain my flexibility.

"You did great today." Logan complimented, lacing our fingers together. We were walking out of the gym to his car. The cold air felt nice against my sweaty skin.

"Well, I have a decent teacher." I cheekily replied. "Oh babe, can you stop me by my dorm? I need to get my pleasers."

"Your pink ones are still at my place."

"First off, they're rose gold," he rolled his eyes with a smile at that, "second, I wanna wear my silver ones."

"Oh, the ones with the glitter and fringe?" When I nodded, Logan sighed. "Dang, those are my favorite."

"You know you're not banned, hon. We just can't have private sessions for a while."

"Yeah, but after the first time I went with some of my teammates, I only started going for you. Now it's just weird to go and barely see you."

Logan had only been to the club once since Rome had called me out for not doing my job. I spent almost two weeks solely doing pole work, with no floor time at all, so the amount I made was noticeably less than usual. I'd heard through the grapevine that Peaches and a few of the other girls were trying to get Logan to agree to private sessions with them, or at the very least were just touching him a lot.

I knew I couldn't get mad, because at the end of the day we have a job to do. Seduction is a huge part of it. I just didn't like how uncomfortable they made my boyfriend. It never bothered me when club goers would tell me they weren't interested; there was always another willing customer. One no was all it took for me to move on to the next— sometimes they just want you to beg. For those old bitches to not accept a simple rejection and make my man feel out of place pissed me off. Everybody deserved the right to say no.

"I heard some of the girls wouldn't leave you alone. You want me to beat them up?"

"Deja, please don't." He laughed loudly at that. We then pulled up to my residence hall. He got out and walked around to open the car door for me. "So... anything special coming up you wanna talk about?"

"Huh? No?"

"Are you sure?" I glanced at him to see his expression was blank, as if he were actively trying to keep a poker face.

I keyed us into the building and we walked to the elevator. "I'm sure... is there something I should talk about?"

"Not if you don't think so, but have you thought anymore about the cabin trip?"

The transition was so smooth, I thought that's what he'd been referring to from the beginning. "Oh... yeah. I'm down to go."

"Really?" His face immediately brightened. "Are you sure? I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you."

Once we reached the third floor, we walked the short distance to my suite. It'd been so long since I'd properly spent time in there, I nearly forgot my passcode.

"You're not forcing me." I noted, opening the door to the quiet room. Chloe and Valerie's room door was open, and I glanced in to see an RA inspecting the seemingly vacant space.

My room door was open, and I walked in to see Trinity rapidly writing something on a sheet of paper. She looked up and smiled.

"Hey roomie. Roomie's boyfriend. Back from the gym already?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna feel this by the end of the day." I sighed, then nodded down the hall. "Chloe and Val left already?"

"Mhm, good riddance. They'll be back early, though. They're gonna rush in January."

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