Chapter 1 - Goodbyes and Hellos

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"Mum, I'm going to be late!" called Cameryn from the kitchen doorway.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry I just really wanted to make you breakfast before your last training session with Bristol," she responded, a slight disappointment in her voice. Cameryn's mum, Lianna, wasn't the best at cooking or baking or anything that involved the kitchen really. She left most of it to her daughters as it was the safest choice for all in the household. 

The last time she attempted to cook breakfast for the family the smoke alarms went off in all the rooms on the downstairs floor, and a thick layer of smoke hung onto the ceiling of the kitchen. From that day on she wasn't allowed to cook again, but she insisted on cooking Cameryn breakfast for her last training. 

"You know I'll probably just re-sign for Bristol during the winter transfer window, right?" she inquired, but her mum didn't react. Her mum didn't want her to return to Bristol, they were sitting at the bottom of the Women's Super League ladder and she knew that Cameryn was better and more deserving than that. 

"Cameryn," her mother said, a stern tone to her voice, "you know that I don't want you to return there. It's not what your Dad would want." Cameryn shook her head and began to walk out of the room, "Stop. I'm sorry. Today is not about your Dad, it's about you. Now sit down and quickly eat your breakfast before you go." A plate of bacon and eggs, with a slice of buttered toast, was placed in front of her. Surprisingly, the bacon was perfectly crisp and the eggs weren't burnt. Cameryn smiled to herself as she began to eat.

"You know Mum, you might be allowed your kitchen privileges back after a meal like this," she giggled to herself.

"Haha, thanks love. Do you really think so, I'm not sure April would agree." April was Cameryn's older sister, she was 23 years old and had moved out just over a year ago. 

"You've got a point there." Cameryn downed the rest of her breakfast and thanked her mother for the delicious meal. She gave her mum a hug and patted her dog Archie as she made her way to the car. Her dark grey dual cab clicked as she unlocked it. 

She climbed into the front seat and the engine revved as she turned on the car; she pulled out of the pebbled driveway, and away from the large Hampton-style house. Music boomed through the car bouncing off the walls as she drove towards the training centre. Cameryn's phone began to ring, but the unfamiliar number prompted her not to answer it.

"They'll leave a message if it's important," she mumbled to herself. As she pulled up to the centre, her best friend Jamie-Lee was waiting by the entrance.

"What took you so long?" she called out as Cameryn climbed out of the car.

"Mum insisted on making me breakfast," she responded.

"I thought she was banned from the kitchen."

"Well, she was until this morning."

The pair turned to the doors and marched their way into the centre meeting up with a few other teammates as they made their way to the locker room. They changed into their training kit and slipped on their socks and boots before sliding in their shin guards. All kitted up, Jamie-Lee and Cameryn walked out onto the pitch for what was quite possibly Cameryn's last training with Bristol City. The warm-ups began with a few laps of the pitch before some quick partner games of one and two-touch. 

"So, since your contract is expiring, what are you going to do?" asked Jaime-Lee as the games continued.

"I'm not sure to be honest. I've had some offers but I'm thinking I wait until the end of the winter transfer window before I accept any," responded Cameryn.

"Come on, what clubs have sent you offers? Are you not going to tell your best friend?"

"Well, aren't you annoying? There's Reading, West Ham and then obviously Bristol who are trying to get me back; but I also got one from Real Madrid and even Manchester City."

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