Chapter 11.

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Jacie's POV:

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Jacie's POV:

I was packing up my box sneaking glances at Aaliyah as she was putting her box in the bag and I noticed someone behind her staring. "Fuck what she want," I say to myself but Aaliyah heard me and turned to face me again. "What's-Well if it isn't Jacie, we haven't seen you since you left. You know your Grandmama is worried sick about you." Ms. Lafia says. "Nice to see you too ma'am," I say standing up and grabbing the bag causing Aaliyah to stand too. "Where are you running off to? I'd love to let your Granny know so she can check-in. Give me your number. She says. I tense and begin to overthink. "Nah we're leaving now and ion gotta give you shit," I say grabbing Aaliyah's hand. Before I could walk past Lafia she grabbed my arm stopping my movements. "Now that's no way to treat me or your grandmother, after all we did for your ungrateful ass." She says angrily. I flinch at the sound of her raising her voice. "Jacie isn't ungrateful" I heard Liyah say from behind me. "Baby it's fine- Baby?" Lafia interrupts. "I thought that gayness was a little phase, I guess those Sunday nights at my house weren't enough to set you straight." She laughs and looks at me disgustingly. "And who are you, young lady? Are you influencing her decision?" She speaks. "My name is Aaliyah and there's nothing wrong with being gay, you can love whoever you want," Aaliyah says walking in front of me. I don't know why I'm stuck but I can't say anything or do anything except watch it unfold in front of me. "Oh, so you are one of them too. How embarrassing. Jacie letting you know I'm calling your grandmama I'm sure she'll love this news. Especially being with this whore of a girl too" Lafia says pulling out her phone. "What did you just call her?" I say randomly, getting confident. "You can disrespect me but you WON'T disrespect her. All yall did was treat me like shit and trash and yall wanna be saints? Hell nah. I left for a fucking reason and if you ever disrespect mine again I'm killing you and that lady. Trust." I say before she can respond I grab Aaliyah's hand and walk out the door. I go to Aaliyah's side and open her door signaling her to get inside before closing her door. I walk over to my side and take a deep breath before getting in.

The whole car ride was silent except for the radio playing. My mind wasn't silent though. I know she will definitely tell her she saw me at Angie's. Then I'll definitely have to keep a low presence from over that side of the city for a while. "What's going on in your head?" I hear interrupting my thoughts. "Nothing Ma," I say parking the car in my assigned spot. I get out and open Aaliah's door, grabbing the food bag. "You want to come to my place and we can hang out?" She asks as we step on the elevator. "That was the plan regardless if you asked Shawty," I say smirking and pressing the button.

As we walk into Aaliyah's apartment, she takes the bag and puts it in the fridge. "You can put on some music through the speaker. Ima go change into something more comfortable if that's okay." Aaliyah says walking towards her room. "Yeah, ma go ahead," I say connecting my phone to her speaker. I shuffle my music and Aaliyah walks back out. I swear she looks good in everything she puts on. "Take a picture, it'll last longer," she says sitting behind me. "Girl you corny asl bye," I say laughing. "It's not corny. But can we talk about what happened at the restaurant?" She says, looking at me. "Sure. Come here." I say and she gets up and comes to sit in my lap. "You must love me in your space. Cute" Aaliyah says "See get off me." I say jokingly holding her tighter. "So tell me please." She says being serious now. "It's nothing, I swear Ma. Let's just enjoy the night we had together okay?." I say putting my head in the crook of her neck and sighing. "Jacie you said you would tell me." She says. I sigh "Ma not now please." I say lifting my head up to look at her. "Okay. Well can I tell you something about me and maybe that'll make you want to talk about it?" She says, looking at me. I shake my head causing her to sigh.

"Growing up my mom was very strict and religious. Liekk past the going to church every Sunday religious. She used to make me read the Bible and we'd go to church two or sometimes three times a week. Whenever I would do something wrong she'd refer to the Bible and make me read that scripture or chapter. When I started middle school, I realized I was attracted to girls and boys. My best friend Asia knew this girl who liked me and I thought she was nice too so we started talking. The girl told me that she came out to her parents and that they loved her even more for being honest and open about it. So that day she told me I went home and told my mom that I liked girls and I remember being so excited to share it with her. That excitement only lasted a little while. The next thing I knew she was screaming at me saying God doesn't accept that and how I'm a shame and no child of hers will be a sin. That was the first night she hit me more than just a smack like she would. I had bruises the next day that Asia helped me cover. By that time I liked the girl I was talking to, too much to just end things so I kept it a secret. I never brought up liking girls to my mom ever again. And then I went to high school and I started skipping class to see the girl. My mom would find out and take me to church more and more and would beat me harder and harder every time she got a call saying I was skipping. She always assumed it was to see girls and do things with them. That all started when I was 14, so when I turned 17, all my mom kept saying was when I turned 18 I would be outta her house and life because I'm sick and I'm a disappointment and failure because of my sexuality. But I've read the Bible over and over as punishment and nowhere in it does it say anything about sexual orientation being a sin. By the time I was 16, I was working a lot and I saved because I knew she would put me out. So when I turned 18 I left without saying anything to her. She hasn't reached out or anything yet and I'm not doing it either. I have nothing to say to her." Aaliyah finishes. 

I move my hands from her waist and wipe her face and eyes. She didn't even notice she was crying. "I'm sorry baby. You didn't deserve any of that and she wasn't meant to be your mom. Parents are supposed to love and support you unconditionally and she failed you. You are not a disappointment or failure, you're a blessing. And I swear everyone you've ever met sees you that way too. You won't have to deal with that sadness or feelings anymore. I'll take care of you and remind you that you are enough and so much more because you are." I hug her tighter as she breaks down in my arms. Why would someone who is supposed to raise someone else be so mean and why would she break Aaliyah down like that, to make her believe she's nothing?

AN:  1341 Words.

if anyone has experienced anything due to your preference of what gender you like just now you are appreciated and things get better as you find yourself and your voice. Being stuck in a hard place doesn't mean that's how life is always going to be. Have an amazing day. 


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