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A/N: This is a VERY short filler type of chapters.

"Venessa, I need a favor?"

"What is it this time Vince?"

"I need some wood for your sacred tree."

"The fuck?!" Venessa exclaimed. "Why in the hell would I give you something like that. And even if I could, you would have to go to the scared forest and crave the wood off yourself. And get the permission from the tree to do such a thing. But like I said at first, why in the hell would I let you do that?"

"Because of our new student." Vince answered.

"What about him?"

"His blood. He has this spell coursing through his veins. And I've tried so many ways to get a bloodline report, but the magic in his blood prevents me from finding anything else out about his bloodline."

"Hmm..." Venessa thought to herself. "It seems it's some old spell, but for some reason I have no recollection of this spell."

"Yeah." Vince agreed. "I had someone go through you royal library and they found the spell and they found out how to break it. And that's why I need the wood for your scared tree."

"First never do that again. My witches aren't to be used for your curiosity or meddling. But also this has gotten me curious. It seems this spell might be connected with this figure who's been pinning to get his hands on the boy."

"I've came up with a solution. The wood from the tree, plus a few spells here and their, and once we find a ways to implant it into his system, it will send him into a state of shook to which he will have to fight using his will of mind to break the spell that flows through him. If he fails he will die."

"Okay then. How sure are you that this will secede?"

"I say theirs a 50% chance."

"Not very good odds, but this could possibly help us. Especially if he's a hybrid, this could make the battle against that figure far more easy." Venessa thought to herself a little while long, before she came to a decision. "Fine, but if anything goes wrong it's your fault and not mine. And if anyone ask, make sure you don't tell them about this conversation. And please make sure things don't get too far out of hand and if they do, use this necklace and it will transport you back to the academy."

"Thank you." Vince said as he grabbed the golden necklace from Venessa, but as he turned towards the door to leave,  she stopped.

"Imma need that necklace back Vince. It's the last one in existence, and the formula to make that necklace was lost in the blood war. So you better bring it back in one peace or I'll rip your balls out."

Vince gulp, his expression showing slight fear. "Chill V, I'll bring it back in one piece."

And with that Vince left.

Venessa sat in the quiet room, but her peace only lasted for so long.

"Your majesty?" One of the guard rushed the room and quickly got on one knee and bowed, and worried expression played on his face. "The prisoner..." the man trailed off, a looked of fear on his face. A look of fear for what might happen to him if he told her what he was about to tell her. But not telling her wasn't an option.

"Yes? What about the prisoner?"

"She has escaped." The headmistress quickly rushed to her feet. She wrapped her hands around the man's neck. She lifted him into the air, and glared at him.

"How the fuck did you let her escape?" Venessa glared up at the man, who was struggling to breathe in her grip.

"We don't know how she escaped, it must have been when we were in the middle of changing our shifts." The man manage to say.

Headmistress Venessa dropped the man to the ground. She turned to walk to the door. The man was left their holding his throat as he coughed and breath to live.

Well it's seems Lucy's escape has lead to a lot of issues.

And mean while, headmaster Vince was already departing for the witches domain.


Vince ran at a steady pace through the snowy forest, his eyes scanning left and right for the hidden clues, that will lead him to the sacred tree.

The forest was covered in snow, bare branches hung above. Vince was quick on his feet, he moved through the forest with inhuman speed. But he made sure that he hardly left a print in the snow.

Vince looked as the ran through the forest. He didn't know what was so special about the witches forest. From what he's seeing, it looked like a normal forest. And yet, there is some kind of strong magical force in the forest. Something that he found comfort in.

Vince continued to rushed through the forest, following each and every magical sign. Until he stubbed upon a huge tree in the middle of the snowy white forest. It was beautiful, especially with the little pond surrounding the tree. This had to be the sacred tree. The trees by itself was giving off such an intense, yet magical vibe. That Vince found himself fearful, but at the same time he found it comfortable.

The trees purple leaves glowed, as a slowly and calming but cold breeze flowed right through the branches.

Vince took a moment to admire the beauty of the forest and its scared holiness.

This was the first time anyone who wasn't a witch has seen the scared tree of the witches. And it was absolutely amazing.

Vince took his time as he approached the tree, still admiring the landscape. Once he arrived at the outside edge of the pond, he stepped back a few steps before running and jumping over the pond and landing on the circle of dirt that the tree sat upon.

Vince ran his hands over the smooth tree bark, his eyes shinned with slight excitement. And excitement he hadn't felt since he was a kid.

He placed his head upon the beautiful tree, and then his thoughts flowed from his mind and into the tree. The tree was something that wasn't originally part of this world, so of course it could process thought and talk in its own way.

With the conformation of the tree, how ever that's suppose to work, Vince took a knife from his boots and sliced a thick piece of wood from the tree. In its place, the tree self healed and grew the missing piece of wood back.

He placed the wood in his duffel bag, before paying his respects and leaving. He moved through the forest once again, his sense was on higher alert. In case someone might have found out he was there and started tracking him.

And he was right to stay on guard, because as soon as he left the tree line of the sacred forest, he was attacked by rogues and hunters. A group of at least 15 of them.

A/N: Theirs like...7 chapters left. Sorry for da short chapter. Hope U ❤️Da 📖 So Far, Bye ✌🏾

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