New virtual singer!?

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*Once a long time ago, some virtual singers had decided to join together and help the people in real life understand their feelings. And so they did, they created Sekais for each group of 4 people, helping them learn and develop from time to time. And one day, an unexpected thing happened...*

[Miku's POV]

*Miku was just walking around for a while, when suddenly, a random person came out of nowhere.*


Miku:"Eh? Who are you?"


???:"Umm..... Hey...."

*It was NOT a person, definitely a virtual singer. No person would sound like a robot..... How come Miku doesn't know them though?..*

[End, stay tuned for the next part.]

What if I'm a virtual singer in different Sekais?||Project Sekai||RandomWhere stories live. Discover now