She looked nothing like the girl from the coffee shop; instead, she resembled a female version of Ron, decked out in vibrant red and yellow.

"We've been reading this amazing Ron-com all day and experimenting with Muggle makeup," Ron gushed excitedly.

"Seren has been teaching me heaps, and she promised we'd find more of these magical 'rom coms' together." His words spilled out in a rush, but my attention was drawn to the girl

Serenity, apparently

who stood beside him.

Despite my distaste for her multicolored hair and garish attire, a pang of jealousy surged within me. I wanted to whisk her away, transform her appearance, and usher her into our dormitory.

Black, noticing my gaze, laid a protective hand on Serenity's shoulder and shot me a warning glance.

Her family's tragic history had left her fiercely protective of those she cared about, and though I sometimes found her overbearing, I couldn't fault her loyalty.

"We have a lesson in 20 minutes, so I suggest you both clean up your faces," I instructed, my tone laced with disdain.

"Aw, come on, Dray, lighten up," Ron protested, retreating behind Black as she scolded me for my harshness.

"What lesson are we attending?" Serenity inquired, her gaze meeting mine.

Despite Ron's efforts to transform her into a Hufflepuff-esque ray of sunshine, I saw something deeper in her—intelligence, perhaps even ambition.

I couldn't help but hope she belonged to Slytherin House.

"No, you have a tutoring session with me," I replied, shooting a pointed look at Ron and Black. "They have Dark Arts class in 10 minutes."

"Pack your things, Serenity. We're going to the library," I instructed, turning to her.

"Would you like to change into your uniform first, or would you prefer to wait until you're sorted into your house?"

"Is it alright if we visit the headmaster before our session? I'd like to know where I belong, to have some sense of belonging here," Serenity murmured softly.

My heart skipped a beat, and for a moment, I struggled to contain the emotions swirling within me. Quickly regaining my composure, I nodded.

"Of course we can. Let's head to our dormitory first to get you a more suitable outfit," I said gently, offering her a reassuring smile as we began our journey down the hall.


I watched as Serenity reluctantly borrowed some of our robes, remnants left behind by those who had once worn them, black, & riddle.
My tie and dress shirt.

She shed the layers of paint from her face, revealing her true, angelic visage. Her hair remained tangled, a chaotic mess, so I reached out with my magic to restore it to its former glory.

As she gazed at herself in the mirror, a mixture of relief and gratitude crossed her features before she whispered her "thank you."


We make our way down the corridor, the grandeur of the headmaster's office looming ahead.

The portraits lining the walls seem to come alive, their eyes following our every move, while the kaleidoscope of colors from the stained glass windows dances around us, casting intricate patterns on the floor as we step forward in unison.

As I approach the door, I notice the headmaster standing inside, the Sorting Hat held reverently in his hands.

With a gentle knock, I signal our arrival, and he beckons us inside with a warm smile.

"Come, my child," he says, his voice tinged with a sense of calm authority.

Serenity hesitates for a moment before following meekly, her nerves palpable in the air.

I offer her a reassuring smile and a nod of encouragement, hoping to instill some confidence in her as she straightens her posture and strides purposefully into the room, stopping before the headmaster with newfound resolve.

"Do you have any thoughts on which house you might belong to?" the headmaster inquires, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"I'm hoping for one in particular," Serenity replies, her gaze never wavering from mine.

With a sense of anticipation hanging in the air, the Sorting Hat is placed upon her head, and we wait with bated breath for its decision.

Seconds tick by agonizingly slow as the hat deliberates, considering every aspect of Serenity's character before finally making its choice.

"This is a difficult decision indeed," the hat declares, its voice echoing in the room. "A muggle with an abundance of charm, wit, calmness, and kindness. Hmm..."

I find myself silently urging the hat to choose Slytherin, my heart pounding in my chest with anticipation.

And then, as if granting my unspoken wish, the Sorting Hat announces its decision.

"Slytherin!" it proclaims, and Serenity's face lights up with joy.

"I'll be with you and Katharina!" she exclaims excitedly, her happiness infectious.


1371 words.
I have a writer block so this is like a filler chapter not much going on, sorry for the long wait this took longer than i expected.
Hope you all are enjoying the story so far!

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