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October 4th, 2021(we're also just gonna act like Triple H took over by like Summer 2021 I really don't wanna write Vince into the story)

(Gionna's POV)

It's draft season in WWE which means brand shakeups new stories callups & even a big push for a few lucky superstars. For the platinum blonde known professionally as Liv Morgan  it means new travel days & most likely working main event tapings I mean come on she got drafted on Smack Talk it's clear to her there's nothing for her. Gionna however puts her mind off it because she's still doing what she loves & the new brands don't take affect until the end of the month so hey maybe she gets a last minute opportunity on Smackdown like the Queen's Crown tournament that finishes at Crown Jewel. Still it was requested of her by upper management to start travelling to Raw to get adjusted to their travel days & house show schedules before the big refresh.

Gionna arrives to the arena about 6:30 & hops out her car sighing before going "Woo! time to go work."

(Tyreke's POV)

Meanwhile as Gionna was adapting to her new reality a certain someone who hadn't been seen by her or the WWE universe in a long time was preparing to come back...

Ty was being driven to the arena by a chauffeur arranged by WWE so he can get to the arena in secret. The former international megastar was in the middle of facetime with his kids his almost 15 year old son Ke'Ali fearless like will do any sort of stunt & it's just a Tuesday for him wrestling lover equipped with a mouth that often gets him into trouble & his 12 year old Aubrie sweet but also a great actor.

"Dad when're you gonna come back home? Is it gonna be in time for my soccer game on Saturday?" Ty's youngest kid inquires

Ty has to think for a second before replying "It depends on what if I need to do anything extra for the show but I think I'll be back by Wednesday or Thursday"

"Hey dad when you come back can you start training me? I wanna wrestle?"

"Depends are your grades better than C's?" Ty replies just letting him down easy without telling him his mom Ty's ex wife McKenzie would never allow it

"No... but mom dropped out of high school yet she lives in fancy houses with nice cars & whatever a bidet is!" Clearly the kid's passionate about this

Ty chuckled at his son's reasoning "Ok that's cause your mom was already born into a rich white family. But tell you what kid you work on getting them grades up I'll come back & help you & if they're good I'll talk to mom about letting me train you a little bit."

"Aight bet!" Ali's excitement radiating through the screen

The driver rolled down the parting window to announce "Mr.McCray we're at the building."

"Alright guys we're here at the arena so I gotta go soon but I promise if y'all mom let's y'all stay up I'll call you guys. Love you guys!"

"Love you too dad!"

Ty hangs up the phone and grabs his bags before walking into the arena through a side entrance so he can get set up in secret. It's been very important to Hunter that Ty remains a secret not even letting his co workers see him at the show until he appears on screen. Ty didn't even blame him with all the rumors going around about Triple H wanting to bring tons of top stars of NXT & the indies back into the fold he wouldn't want the very first one to be ruined off the bat. Ty was told what he'd be doing for the show getting drafted before cutting a promo to announce his return & set up his first major feud against Kevin Owens. Ty went over what he was gonna say and the more pressing issues of his return can he use his real name or any version of Tyreke (he despises his old Hayden Diaz name) & also what theme song he was gonna use and before he knew it it was about 5 minutes before his return is happening.

(On Raw)

Sonya Deville & Adam Pearce were bantering back & forth before starting the second round with the semi corrupt authority figure Sonya doing a dramatic "And the 1st pick of the second round of the WWE draft is.... Tyreke McCray!!!"

The guitar intro for born for this by paramore rings throughout the entire arena as Tyreke's new render pops on the screen & his accomplishments outside of the global enterprise are listed 3x Impact World Champion, 5x X division champion, 2020 best of the super juniors winner & more along with an in ring appearance of him promised for next week's show. The crowd popper HARD & it's clear that fans are ready to see their indie darling take center stage in HHH's new wwe.

(Backstage Gionna's POV)

Gionna was on her phone talking to Trinity, Alexa, & Demi(Rhea) in catering when she heard the draft pick she looked up thinking no it couldn't possibly be... & there he was Tyreke Gionna's ex & also at one time her best friend. Gionna just stood there mouth hung wide open as Trinity & Lexi were freaking out!

"WHAT THE- What's my baby cousin doing here?!" Trinity said elated and shocked

"He really came back!" Lexi was happy her man Ty was back last she knew he hadn't accepted anything but now he's back & reunited with his girlfriend.

Even Demi had a fun reaction "Ok the punk really did it! He's still not better than me tho!"

Gionna can't muster up words before saying "Wow."

The girls keep talking before Gionna excuses herself to go on a walk and gather her thoughts.

"Hey scuse me guys I'm gonna go on a walk I'll see you later."

Gionna was so confused emotionally at least. Last time she saw Tyreke in person was 2017 when they both came to the same indie show they talked for a little bit but after all that went down with them they didn't wanna talk for long. From the drama of them even getting together to the cheating rumors to the thing that breaks Gionna's heart most of all she's surprised to see him. And yet somehow there's still a feeling of wanting to see him talk to him smile with him again be friends but she wouldn't call it a crush or a want to get back together with him. Besides he's with Lexi now Alexa was even talking about marriage & kids with this man. As Gionna's walking around she walks right into the embodiment of her thoughts.

*literally bumping into Ty head to chest* sorry... oh Ty. Heyyyy... things have gotten very awkward very fast.

How will these two react to seeing each other again? Will Gionna get over her "dumb" feelings? What does Raw have in store for them? Find out next time on Dragon ball Z

(Author's Note: Hey guys I'm so happy to be making this book again especially redoing the story. How do you guys like the first chapter I promise it's gonna be more worked on than the original book. It's kind of a boring chapter but that's cause I'm reintroducing & establishing the characters. I'm really excited to get more up to date because the kids I'm planning on having play big roles in the story. But I also want your opinions besides just on your general opinions on the book & what y'all wanna see would you guys want me to use face models to show what my characters look like at least in my head or do you want me to just describe them.)

Liv 4 The Moment (Living Destiny Revamp an OC X Liv Morgan story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt