Log 3

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Third log

Log taker :

Dawn Slephermes

Danger Level

Yggdrasil : safe, no issues

Midgard : mild issues, caution advised

Jormungandr : danger imminent, potential survival

Ragnarok : extreme danger, death almost guaranteed

Crew status :


Aignis Flaresoul Rayatantra : ALIVE

Helmsman and Engineer

Dawn Freefrunner Slephermes : ALIVE


Tremock Maficmaster Minoreal : ALIVE


Virtuse Galemaw Atheunomia : ALIVE

Marine Biologist

Gaia Earthwalker Osemeter : ALIVE

Oceanfaring vessel :


Flesh-like tubes have sprouted around where the hydrothermal vents that produce GMM and the hydrozoid, these these tubes seem to grow towards radioactive substances.

This has aided me in the collection of various radioactive metals, notably uranium 238 and plutonium 240 which has enough energy for my oxygen extractor.

We now have around 90 hours of oxygen extraction.

Danger level reduced to midgard.

end of log

As he was gathering up the motors in order to create a makeshift engine, a hissing sound emanated from the fleshy tubes. "What's happening, emmy?" He gave the tubes a name, it was the closest to comfort he had in the deepest depths. "emmy?" He knew it wouldn't respond. But it did, segments of emmy started to bulge up, as if  something was moving through it. Concerned, he swam out, only to see emmy sucking the radioactive metals out of the oxygen extractor. He wasn't worried by this, emmy could always lead him to more energy. Until suddenly, emmy started sucking the water around her in like a vacuum cleaner. And then she exploded. Dawn awoke to the sound of jaws snapping. A large eel-like creature was chewing on snailfish. It's eyes glistened, looking fleshy and ruddy. Dawn rushed inside the hydrozoid right before the monster eel could bite down on him. It pushed inwards still. Dawn scuttled into the main deck, desperation filling within him, trying to find something, anything that could save him from this monster.

In his fear, he dropped a screwdriver, the eel instantly dove after it, annihilating a good chunk of the hydrozoid before returning to bury into the sand. 

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