Log 1

11 3 2

First log

Log taker :

Aignis Rayatantra

Danger Level

Yggdrasil : safe, no issues

Midgard : mild issues, caution advised

Jormungandr : danger imminent, potential survival

Ragnarok : extreme danger, death almost guaranteed

Crew status : 


Aignis Flaresoul Rayatantra : ALIVE

Helmsman and Engineer

Dawn Freefrunner Slephermes : ALIVE


Tremock Maficmaster Minoreal : ALIVE


Virtuse Galemaw Atheunomia : ALIVE

Marine Biologist

Gaia Earthwalker Osemeter : ALIVE

Oceanfaring vessel :


The Hydrozoid has entered the hadal zone, collection of sulfides from hydrothermal vents via the jellyfish-like tentacles may begin. Dawn, codename Freefrunner has started maneuvering of the Hydrozoid near the vents, the appendages started to scoop up the samples which are then sent through the chutes. The analyst team comprised of me, and Dr's. Osemeter and Minoreal. Have started to run tests on these, alongside the effects they may also have on surrounding wildlife. Dr. Osemeter has concluded that the sample SULFIDE-10/17, (nicknamed Gaia's mutagenic monosulfanamide, or GMM for short) collected from vent 38 is a highly mutagenic substance, the cells of any eukaryotic species cell that consumes it to undergo rapid cancer-like mutation, the energy consumed from this process often leads to death.

end of log

"Very interesting, send a sample of GMM up in the specialized containers," Virtuse ordered. "Ye- yessir!" Dawn stuttered out.

As he strutted over to the container pods, his thick fingers gently cradling the airtight container of GMM, the radar started screeching rapidly. Then the Hydrozoid tipped to the side, the other crew members rushed towards the side mirror, only to see a moving void. "Escalate the danger level to jormungandr!" The Captain yelled at whoever would listen. 

The hydrozoid plummeted into one of the hydrothermal vents. The heat soldering the tentacles together into a useless lump of metal. "There is a storm approaching," Virtuse explained, "The hydrozoid will leak out soon if we don't leave, then the pressure will kill us all, get into the specialized suits, we don't have much time." In an orderly manner, they each got into the Nautical Adventuring Ionized Abyssal Diving Suits.

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