"Where are you going?" She asks.

"I'm going down to the common room to sleep on the couch." He tells her.

"You can sleep here with me." The brunette tells him.

Remus shakes his head, edging closer to the door. "It wouldn't be right." Circe smiles at him gratefully but she beckons him over. "Circe-"

"I need to tell you a secret." She whispers, looking around to see if any of the other boys are awake however they have their curtains drawn. The boy gives her a goofy looking smile before leaning down next to the bed. "I think you're extremely attractive, but don't tell anyone. I'd be really embarrassed if everyone knows I have a crush on you."

The drunken confession takes Remus completely off guard, not expecting the word 'crush' to come out of her mouth. Surely her flirting with him is a joke. "I think that ship has sailed." He whispers back, causing her to laugh. "Okay, goodnight Circe."

"Sweet dreams pretty boy." She slurs back.

He closes the curtains around the bed, giving her some privacy, and leaves the room.


"I can't believe Remus is still asleep." Sirius laughs, hearing the light snores from behind the curtains.

James nods, putting his fist under his chin thoughtfully. "He never sleeps in this late. I mean lunch is almost over."

The two pureblood look at each other, identical mischievous grins appearing on their faces. It is obvious they have to prank him, but how? James looks down then looks over at Sirius, both of them had slept in their boxers. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Prongs?"

The boy pushes his glasses further up the bridge of his nose, nodding affirmatively. "I certainly am, Padfoot."  The two mischief makers share a high-five, shushing each other slightly when the slapping sound fills the entire room, before tearing open the curtains and jumping onto the bed. Struggling under the weight of the two boys, the form begins to wriggle around. "Rise and shine Moony." James shouts.

The door into the room quietly opens, causing their eyes to snap towards it in confusion. Peter is in the bathroom having a shower, so who is that opening the door? Remus walks in with a plate of food, almost dropping it when he sees the scene in front of him. "What are you doing?" He asks the two, practically naked, boys on his bed.

"What are we doing?" James repeats incredulously, his eyes darting between their friend in the doorway and the figure struggling underneath them. "What are you doing over there?"

A head pops out from under the duvet, panting heavily from almost being smothered to death. "What the FUCK?" She breathes out. The two boys scream at her sudden appearing and leaps up from the bed. "Oh! My eyes, my eyes! They burn!" She screams, covering her face her hands. "Remus quick, strip down naked so I can get the image out of my brain."

"P-pardon?" He asks in disbelief. 

Circe begins heaving. "Merlin, I'm traumatised."

James, who had thrown on a jumper and some sweats, scoffs at her. "You're traumatised? What about me?"

"You weren't just being humped by two trolls." Circe argues.

"We weren't humping you!" Sirius screams. "We were tickling you."

The girl scoffs, giving him the middle finger before crossing her arms sulkily. "Smothering me more like." Her face relaxes a little as she gives him a smirk. "So you admit you're a troll then?"

"You motherfucker!"

"I brought you breakfast." Remus tells Circe, sitting at the end of the bed and holding out the plate for her to take. The girl gives his a bright smile and immediately begins tucking in. Sirius peers over the boy's shoulder, trying to see what's on the plate. Remus notices and frowns. "Put some bloody clothes on, you clod."

"Why did you bring her some breakfast? You're never that nice to us." He pouts, earning a threatening glare from Remus. "All right, all right." The boy raises his hands in surrender, the girl pettily sticks her tongue out at him as he starts to walk away. 

"Thanks for the breakfast pretty boy." Circe tells the caramel eyed boy once she has finished eating.

Before a word could leave his mouth, James plops himself on the bed. "So, does this mean you two finally slept together? I'm sick of all the flirting and build up."

"Prongs-" Remus starts.

"Unfortunately, no." Circe indulges the messy haired boy, who leans in to gossip with her about the boy- who is currently sat on the bed with them. "He was a proper gentleman last night, but I think I might be even more attracted to him than before." She gushes.

James squeals, grabbing her hands. "Don't stop fighting for his love! It took me years to get Lily, I was almost ready to give up- that's what I told her actually but we'll get into that later- and now I'm going on a date with her next weekend."

"You are a true warrior." Circe tells him sincerely, before adding. "You're an inspiration to all of us who think our love is unrequited."

Remus clears his throat, making the two of the jump. "I'm still here you know." His eyes are fixed on the pairs connected hands and he doesn't like it one bit. 

"How could I ever forget?" The girls smirks over at him, removing her hands from James' grasp.


At dinner time, the group of five head down to the great hall together. Circe is still wearing her outfit from yesterday, with Remus' jumper over the top. "I'll catch up with you guys later." She tells them.

"Where are you going?" James asks, used to her following them to the Gryffindor table most days.

She points over to the Hufflepuff table, or more specifically where her roommates are- not that she really talks to the other two without Addy there. "To sit with my other friends, I've enough of you lot for a while."

"What other friends?" Sirius asks in confusion. "You don't have any other friends. You quite literally don't talk to anyone but us. I doubt you'd even talk to us if Moony wasn't our friend."

Circe scoffs. "I have lots of friends."

"Yeah, like who?" James laughs as shoots him an annoyed look. "And you can't say us."

"Like Addy." She informs him, suddenly realising she couldn't list anyone else. "You don't have any friends either."

The boys looks at her horrified. "I have lots of friends I'll have you know."

"Oh yeah, who?" She flips the question. "And you can't say us."

"Lily." He almost whispers, before his face lights up a little. "And the quidditch team."

She laughs at his response. "Lily doesn't count, you have said a friendly thing about her since the day you met, and the quidditch team has to like you- you are the captain."

"Whatever." He mutters. "Go sit with your other friends."

"Don't you worry, I will." The girl stomps of with a huff.

James unintentionally copies her actions. "You need to keep your girlfriend in check Moony."

"She isn't my girlfriend." Remus repeats for the twentieth time that day.

Peter looks between the brunettes retreating figure and James, who is still sulking. "What were you even actually arguing about?"

"How am I supposed to know?" James laughs a little. 

a/n yeah idk what this chapter is

but you know what happens after a really happy chapter, right? lol

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