Chapter 10: Back to the Past

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A five-year-old Christian Firenet sat on an old carpet, colouring away happily to himself. His Grandma was sat in arm chair, knitting a cardigan for his younger sister, Ciara. "Grandma?" Christian asked, dropping his crayon on to the paper.
 "Yes dear?" his Grandma answered curiously.
 "If my parents do something bad, what should I do?" Christian questioned. 
 "What needs to be done." his Grandma replied quietly. She then continued knitting.

As a child, Christian grew up happily. Although his sister was a brat, he still had everything he wanted. His parents, Christopher and Amelia Firenet, were the owners of the video game company C&A. Ciara was one year younger than Christian. She looked nothing like him, however. Ciara had ginger hair and green eyes, unlike Christian, who had black hair, one green eye and one blue eye. 

When Christian turned 18, his mother told him that he had another sibling, but she did not tell him who. She also told him that if he was to tell his father of sister about it, there would be consequences.

On Christian's twenty first birthday, his father took him out to a bar, where he met this gorgeous woman named Ophelia. They talked all night and fell madly in love. They were never seen without one another. Not shortly after they had a child whom Christian named Bailey, as Ophelia died during child birth, leaving a whole in his heart.

In the year of 1989, Christian was 25 and Bailey was 3. Christian was asked by his mother to try out a new game the company was working on; The Amazing Digital Circus. It was supposed to be a very innocent children's game. This is why Christopher, Christian's father, suggested that Bailey test it out too. But little did they know that that would end with them being trapped in the circus for six years.

( I'm so sorry this chapter is really bad! I lost motivation half way through 😭 )

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