Chapter 1: Me and You

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Pomni awoke from her slumber and let out a long yawn. It was the first time she had had a good sleep since she arrived in this digital hell. She got up out of bed. Her blue and red nightgown fell down below her knees. Maybe one day we'll get out of here Pomni... she thought, staring at her reflection in the mirror.

Her nightgown was laced with a gold trim and her short brown hair was messy, sticking out in different directions. She sighed as she picked up her brush to start getting ready for the day.

Ragatha sauntered over to Pomni's door and rang the doorbell. She felt like a daughter to her. Ragatha had no children back in the real world which saddened her indeed. That was one of the few things she could remember about home.

Pomni's door swung open causing Ragatha to jump. She was scared very easily. "Sorry!" Pomni said, "I didn't mean to startle you... I thought you were Jax for a second!"
"It's fine!" Ragatha exclaimed. That was one of her bad traits, she was too forgiving.
"Heya ladies~" Jax said playfully, walking towards the ragdoll and jester. Ragatha grunted.
"I can't get ONE moment away from you, can I?" she asked bitterly.
"Nope," he replied, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"Wait... YOU TWO ARE TOGETHER! I KNEW IT!" Pomni cried load enough for the entire circus to hear. Ragatha immediately pushed him away, not any way amused in the slightest. Jax sighed annoyingly, before grinning micheviously and picking a small creature off of the floor. He threw it at Ragatha and she screamed like she never had before. The little creature was, of course, one of Kinger's beloved centipedes, Harold.

Caine materialised at the end of the hallway. "GOOD MORNING SUPERSTARS!" he shouted. He noticed Ragatha's predicament and with a snap of his fingers, the centipede vanished.
"Thanks," she said, brushing off her dress. Caine flew down the hall with a wide grin on his face.
"THERE'S NO ADVENTURE FOR TODAY, SO DO WHATEVER! I DON'T REALLY CARE!" he said, disappearing as quickly as he came. Pomni had already been in the Circus for one month, and not once had she ever heard him say that. Turning towards Ragatha, she asked, "How often do we get free days?"
"At least once a month." she replied. Pomni's pupils dilated out of excitement. She ran down to the main area of the circus, and then out of the entrance to meet the others, full of newfound energy.
"C'mon then, Dollface! Stop dilly-dallying!" Jax said, grabbing Ragatha's hand as they started to walk down the hall. Ragatha looked down at the floor and sighed miserably.
"What's wrong?" Jax asked.
"Nothing!" she lied.
"Stop lying to me, Ragatha." she flinched at the sound of anger in his voice. They walked in silence for a moment.
"Do you think me and you will remember each other if we ever get out of 'ere?" Jax thought of what to say to that question for a second.
"I don't know, Darling, but I promise to always love you, okay?" she nodded her head. Jax swung her arm backwards and forwards, as they continued their walk down the hall.

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