"What if she thinks it's too soon or worries about what people might say?" Myrtle continued, her tone a haunting whisper.

Alexia stared into the mirror, her reflection now clouded with doubt. The thought of Hermione being hesitant to attend the Yule Ball with another girl planted seeds of uncertainty. It wasn't about her feelings for Hermione; it was about the world they lived in and the judgments that could follow.

Myrtle returned with a smirk, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "The confident Alexia, feeling all insecure about asking a simple girl to the Yule Ball. How utterly charming."

Alexia shot Myrtle a wry look. "Simple? Myrtle, Hermione is not a simple girl. She's brilliant, amazing, beautiful, and more complex than you can imagine."

Myrtle rolled her eyes. "Oh, spare me the sentimental nonsense. It's just a dance, not a lifelong commitment."

Despite Myrtle's dismissive tone, Alexia couldn't help but defend Hermione. "It's not just a dance, Myrtle. It's an opportunity to share a moment with someone special."

Myrtle huffed, floating away with a parting shot, "Special or not, you're in for a world of embarrassment. Enjoy the romantic catastrophe, Alexia."

Feeling a mix of nervousness and determination, Alexia walked out of the restroom, her thoughts consumed by the idea of asking Hermione to the Yule Ball. As she made her way toward the Gryffindor common room, she unexpectedly stumbled upon Ginny assisting a somewhat dazed Ron.

Curiosity and concern etched on her face, Alexia approached the duo. "Hey, Ginny, what happened to Ron? Is he alright?"

Ginny looked up from her efforts to support Ron, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Oh, you just missed the spectacle of Ron attempting to ask Fleur Delacour to the Yule Ball. Let's just say it didn't go as planned.

As they made their way to the common room, Alexia's earlier apprehension about asking Hermione to the Yule Ball momentarily took a backseat to the amusement of Ron's misadventure.

In the Gryffindor common room, Harry and Hermione joined the group, their curiosity evident as they inquired about Ron's misadventure.

Ginny, still amused by the spectacle, couldn't contain her laughter. "You won't believe what happened, Harry. Ron here attempted to ask Fleur Delacour to the Yule Ball in the most... let's say, memorable way."

Ron, looking slightly sheepish, shot a glare at Ginny. "It was not my finest moment, alright?"Hermione, raising an eyebrow, chimed in, "Well, now I'm curious. What did you do, Ron?"

Ginny gleefully recounted the tale of Ron's valiant yet embarrassing attempt at wooing Fleur. As she reached the climax of the story, the common room echoed with laughter, even Ron joining in with good-natured self-deprecation.

Alexia, finding the humour contagious, couldn't help but join in the laughter. The incident served as a momentary distraction from her own internal dilemma about asking Hermione to the Yule Ball. 

Ron then turns to Hermione, "Hermione, you're a girl."

Alexia rolls her eyes smirking, already seeing where this is going. "Very well, spotted", Hermione responded.

As Ron awkwardly attempted to ask Hermione to the Yule Ball, an unexpected twist unfolded in the Gryffindor common room. Hermione, with a polite yet firm response, revealed that she already had a date for the upcoming magical event. Alexia, standing nearby, felt an unexpected pang of disappointment, her heart sinking at the revelation.

Hermione, blushing and slightly embarrassed, excused herself from the common room. The air seemed to carry an unspoken tension as Ron, perplexed by Hermione's response, turned to Harry for an explanation.

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