47. {feminism lessons}

Comenzar desde el principio

the three of them glanced at him with puzzlement. mickey wondered why he would bring that to recruit women into his karate team. she was a little afraid.

"miguel, take off your shirt." johnny ordered.


"that's my cue." mickey shook her head. "i'll see you guys later?"

"just do it!" johnny reassured the boy.

"yeah." gioia grasped and squeezed mickey's hand. "i need to catch up with you."

"bye, mickey." miguel muffled out, his head trapped in his shirt.

"bye m." johnny muttered, making her give him a weird look.

the girl jogged away, back over to her cheerleading squad. moon gave her a big smile and waved her over to stand beside her. mickey blushed, making her way next to her.

"trust me, the chicks are gonna love this." johnny grinned.

miguel now had his shirt off, leaving him with just his grey vest. johnny had been squeezing the baby oil into gioia's hands, and she was rubbing it all over miguel's top half.

"hey, too much!" miguel pointed out as johnny squeezed the next batch into gioia's palm.

"you gotta get it into every groove." johnny taught him, "it's about molding highlights to emphasize curvature."

once miguel had been greased up, the sides of his shirt even soaking up some of the oil, johnny began to tell him how to display himself.

"where's your beach ball?" the man asked.

"here's the beach ball." miguel spoke sadly, flexing his muscles. when he did this, gioia jokingly began to fan herself, pretending she was flustered by him. miguel noticed and glared at her. "you think this is funny?"

"yeah, kinda funny."

"come on, these girl looks like she could use some karate." johnny pointed over to two friends on the soccer team. he dragged gioia over to them. "try eagle fang karate, the most bitchin' dojo in the... valley." the girls glanced at each other and ran off before he could finish his sentence.

johnny groaned, hauling the young blonde to his next victim. this girl was also on the soccer team, standing alone behind the goal.

"the best part is we have a whole stable of hot young dudes, like my man miguel over here." he gestured to the boy a few feet away flexing his arms. "you like what you see? he's not even in the top five. we got babes and everything," he put his shoulders around the blonde girl. "whatever floats your boat."

"i'm asexual." the girl said.

"all right, he's a sexual too." johnny continued, making gioia cringe. "check him out. total stud. so what do you say you ready to become an eagle?"

her soccer coach's whistle blew out, so she jogged over to her team, not even giving the man a reply.

"i don't get it." johnny groaned as miguel stepped over to them. "i thought girls today were supposed to be tough. why can't we find anyone for our team?"

"maybe not everyone needs karate. especially girls who are already on sports teams." miguel explained, putting his shirt and jacket back on.

"yeah... and your approach sucks." gioia spoke, truthfully. "if i was them, i'd reject you too."

"hey, miguel. hey gioia." moon made her way over to them.

"hey, moon, what's up?"

"apparently some perv was creeping on the track team so we're gonna practice inside." moon explained, making gioia give johnny a teasing look. "what are you guys doing here?"

✓  VIRTUAL AEROBICS; eli moskowitzDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora