Time skip/The School Orientation

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Years passed like seasons change. Under the under of their adoptive fathers, their upbringing wasn't without challenges and misunderstandings, but overall pleasant albeit developing attitudes; with Shen's development from a smiling infant but by the time of his third birthday, having regained his memories as Shen Jiu, he began to change, he began to display bouts of feral aggression and as he grew developed a cold stern demeanor towards even with the people he was close with yet with the chosen few he sincerely with an underlying loyalty and respect. In spite of that, developed a love for science as his father Crewel took pride and also his sense of fashion; fancy and flashy.

He Sheng was mostly quiet yet an earnest boy with a strong love for his chosen family, yet at times Crowley could not help notice a look, not of a saddened but of a grieving look but his boy would frequently mask over his face of silent diligence.

He knew his boy was dealing with he could not explain, but he surprisingly did not push him until he was ready.

Then it would surprise both Crowley and Crewel when three figures (and impossibly beautiful men) whom appeared in He Sheng's life when he was three. Which both teachers had gained a headache, particularly the first one who showed up first; Xie Kěwàng, Méi Lìliàng and lastly Chèn Yao whom they had toughest time trying to impress, and that's when He Sheng turned six years old and go train under Chèn Yao who was one of Méi Lìliàng, asserted by Xie Kěwàng and Méi Lìliàng's orders. He Sheng have then developed slowly but gradually under Chèn Yao's teachings as time went by. Eventually even Shen Jiu would have to train under him as well yet he stuck close to his Sheng-Xiong.

Over the years, He Xuan's cultivation would progress, facing increasingly difficult trials, overcoming challenges more formidable than before, and enduring tribulations presented by Chèn Yao. He would refine his skills and powers, putting them to the test and surpassing expectations. Subsequently, he would impart Chèn Yao's teachings to his shimeis and shidis of who that Xie Kěwang have given another chance into this new life and appeared as a young children or babies, guiding them to develop their own unique abilities as they grow and develop.

But speaking of He Sheng and Shen Jiu...
The years slowly turned the boys through the wheel of time, they grew, from like from a sprout of a plant to a small bush which lushed of vibrant greens and flora.

He Sheng and Shen Jiu discovered their powers that were uniquely rare and mystifyingly ancient, fostering a bond as intense and everlasting as their newfound abilities.

They referred to themselves the Sworn Brothers, bound not by blood but by fate, destiny, and power.

Their relationship was steeped in warmth and fondness as they both awakened their inherent talents at a tender age, reacting to threats lurking in their young lives.

Even at their young age, they were in a harmonious contrast, as manipulation of the elements they were aligned to - He Sheng could harness the raw power of the formation of water, he could cast arcane spells via Sigils which revealed only a slight of his true might and power yet still clouded without the memories of his past lives while Shen Jiu held reign over earth, talisman summoning and precise aiming of swordsmanship, yet years of cultivation and martial arts were the key to acquiring each skill and ability who remembers everything; every moment and detail of his past.

The fact that they had to hide their secret abilities from the world made their connection more intimate, secluded, treasured - as if they belonged to an era different from their own.

As they reached their adolescent years, their life took an unexpected turn.

He Sheng was fifteen as he was welcomed into the Night Raven College at the age of fifteen, the very institution where his father was revered and feared in equal measure (as he had told him).

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