A New Friendship; the Joys of Fatherhood

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Crowley is 25 here and Crewel is 22.


He Sheng due to his remembrance of only his name was cheerfully adopted by an ecstatic Dire Crowley after the latter dismissed having to search and assumed that they would resurface when he found a resemblance or some kind of DNA but as the locals claimed after weeks to months of searching for his family they did not surface as if they did not exist or perhaps in variety of circumstances and possibilities yet to be determined. He was named He Sheng Crowley or He Sheng to be short.

Shen Jiu taken in with subconscious feelings of uncertainty turned into an odd sense of relief by Divus Crewel who after months of searching for his supposed family were gone like they've disappeared or not existed at all.

Thus Crewel made a decision he was going to adopt this child. It's several months now, although Shen was a silent child he was obedient and listened well now simply named as Shen Crewel the two of them were in the mall spending long hours in Crewel trying to find fashionable robes for his new son, Shen.

He Sheng and Crowley happened to be in the boutique shop as Sheng toddled in there cheerfully with a giggle and the Headmage was looking for him in panicked frenzy when one of the workers giggled just then He Sheng saw a man with dual colored hair of white and Black and gray eyes and wearing a spotted coat and holding a babe.

The baby looked down at the little boy with those large green eyes and looking up were a pair of amber eyes from the child.

Crowley sees one of his newly appointed fellow teacher Crewel finding his blunt personality and unique sense of style and rather stiff attitude amusing.

"Divus, how unexpected!" Crowley said, chuckling. "Did you come here for shopping too?"

With that, the science specializing in also the field of potionology professor gave a nonchalant shrug, "what does it look like?"

Crowley may be the Headmage but doesn't give him a pass from receiving the blunt responses from Crewel.

However the Headmage was nonchalant about it and somehow his frankness something of his amusement.

Crewel added further "Not that it's any of your business but I'm shopping for my puppy" Crowley assumed it was an actual puppy until he saw a baby in Crewel's arms "oh why he's beautiful!"

Crowley cooed, "just look at those eyes like the actual shade of green jades~"

The baby grasped Crewel's collar with his tiny fist looking up at him sucking his thumb as if ask 'Why is this man talking to us?'

Crewel concurs until he saw Crowley had his own child, a little older, and was his precious shy gem, with those amber eyes "What a striking resemblance, could he be?"

Crowley trailed off, moving He Sheng closer so Crewel could see him, but the Headmage dignified him with a response "of course I haven't settled down. As handsome as I am, being married is from my goals." he chuckles.

"This is He Sheng, my adopted son" Crewel did not to think it was a coincidence that they were both adopt two lost children at the same time.

He Sheng looked at the baby who when he walked closer the baby took some strands of his hair as if examining them and cooed at He Sheng who blinked in surprise before offering a small smile.

He gently touched the baby's tiny hand. The two seemed to communicate in their own way. As the two young children interacted and Shen was being entertained by He Sheng's toy, it was a soft, plush lion, with its golden fur glistening in the boutique's bright lighting.

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