Untitled Part 2

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CHAPTER ONE 'Come on snake boy!'

As you approach the front gates of the big hotel building ahead, You see a severed leg on the doorstep. But you continue and kick it away, Then knock on the door made of pinewood. It lets out a "Knock, Knock, Kno-" An extremely excited Charlie (The princess of hell) opens the door as you see her protector / Girlfriend in the back watching with her spear out aimed at the door.

Charlie grabs you by the arm and drags you in not letting you speak as she says

"I'm so excited guys!!, We have a new sinner!-" Vaggie cuts charlie off.

"Careful charlie. They could be dangerous." Vaggie is suspicious of you right now, But then over-

-there charlie is as happy and excited, clearly trusting you. Charlie grabs your arm and pulls you in the hotel before realizing you haven't said a word. "Sorry!, Uhhh State your purpose"

"My..My name is Y/N.. And I wanna rehabilitate.." Vaggie lowers the spear, trusting you a tad bit more. Charlie says "Here's a tour!" Charlie leads you to a big room with some food and a fridge. After the tour you learn that there's a Library, Alastor's Radio room, A few rooms being worked on. She leads you back downstairs Then, Charlie walks behind a desk and pulls out three rom keys while using a hand gesture to lure you over there. "Okay so." As she sets the three keys down,

she whispers something and the keys give a slight glow of "Red.' "Yellow" & "Pink" You look at her and she sighs as she says "I forgot to tell you, You pick one to see who will be your roommate. We've got, The smart and quirky, To the horrifying mysteries To the cuddly Trouble makers. This is you. You gotta pick and which one you pick will determine which roommate you'll get. As you put your hand on the red key, You feel uncomfortable..

So you put it down and move to the pink key..It's a little fuzzy but jagged.. You grab the yellow key and it feels.. Right. Sharp and fitting. You look at Charlie as you nod and ask "Is this okay?...'

"Of course. This one.. Is complicated but you two should get along. Go to my room.." She stops the sentence as she flips the key and it changes like magic in mid-air. She hands you the key as you say "Room..88?." She nods clearly understanding those numbers. "Take the elevator to the 8th floor and that's room number 80-90. Each floor has 10 rooms. Good luck bye!"

You approach the elevator that opens and a sinner that you've seen looks at you and you stare back and it's silent... The sinner speaks. "Can you fucking move?" I'm getting food. Also you room 35?" You respond. "No, who is in room 88?.." The spider demon walks out and pushes you in the elevator before speaking. "Your Fucked bad. And I'm a porn star sooo.." The elevator doors start closing but you have so many questions to ask!, "WAIT!-"..Wait is the only word you can say before the elevator closes. The lights flicker above you as you hear "Ding-DI-D.." the elevator ding thingy must be broken. Whatever. The elevator doors open showing a quite long hallway.

You walk and count the rooms. "81..82.." You stop counting for a minute and walk further down the hall then you count again. "86..87..88" You approach the door and knock. You hear a voice -yell "I'M BUSY!" You think if you should go in.. You dont wanna start some shit with your roommate so you go to the library. You check out the library and find a book shelf. It had dust on it but said "Romance novels." few books, "Icebreaker By Hanna grace, Hunting adrenaline, Girl In Pieces." Now you have to choose a book.. The limit is two-4 a day but you dont wanna overwhelm yourself. So you pick Icebreaker and Girl in pieces. Then you feel a tad bit hungry so you go to the food bar. You get some cookies with ketchup


When you get in the elevator You press "Floor 8" the elevator closes. The lights flicker above you as you hear "Ding-DI-D.." Still broken. Whatever. You get out and walk back to the room and knock. And another yell "STOP PESTERING- WHATEVER!" You hear the door unlock,

as a handsome man with long dark black hair that drifts over his shoulders, he has pretty black eyes. He is wearing a shirt with just an egg on it and his tail droops down on the floor. You see many eyes on the tail and wonder if it hurts, But you're here to talk to your roommate. "Hellooo..." He finishes the sentence. "Sir. Sir pentious you?" "Oh, Im Y/N." "...why are you pestering me?"

You can't say words right now so you just hand him your room key. He hands you his. They are the exact same. Sir Pentious opens the door a tad bit as a weird egg boi thing?, Walk out and speaks "HIYA LADY!-" Sir pentious cuts the egg off and says "NOT today, egg boi #6."

Your curious what egg bois are but brush it off as you walk inside the apartment. Its kinda big with dark red walls with silhouettes of apples on them. Sir Pentious says "It's three rooms but it works out. One bedroom, one bathroom, that's another room I don't wanna include, And a kitchen and a spare room I keep for the egg bois to play in. I had to give a lot away but I got to keep 1-12."

You respond with "Okay.." You walk to the bedroom. A medium sized bed with some pillows sir pentious has made his own. Sir Pentious speaks up "I am gonna rest and you're sleeping on the floor cause there's only one bed. Understood?," your surprised and can't make up your mind before he cuts you off and says "Whatever. I don't care as long as it's not gay." you're offended. "...THE FUCK-"

Later that night it's about 10:34 and sir pentious is asleep (you think) and you're thirsty so you walk to the kitchen and open the fridge, You hear a door open but you ignore it. You grab some of "SARAHS CANNIBAL JUICE!!" And open the bottle and pour some into a glass. The juice is a red thick liquid. Your not sure what it is but then as you look towards the bedroom door you see two glowing eyes staring at you coming closer, You return the favor already know your eyes glow too, So you turn on the lights to see sir pentious about to get a midnight snack.he just says

"..You know that's blood right? Sarah's cannibal. CANNIBAL JUICE?" You're a tad bit surprised but respond with "Okay?" Before chugging the glass and placing it in the sink while sir pentious looks through the pantry.

After that you walk back into the bedroom and sit on your side and fall asleep. But sir pentious sits in the same bed and looks over at you, sighs and falls asleep. Its a quiet feeling in the room but that's fine because you're asleep.

Your alarm clock starts going off and you get up quickly and press it. It is currently 6:36. You walk to the restroom and brush your teeth. Even those k9s, Then walk to the kitchen and see sir pentious cooking scrambled eggs he says "There's alot to share." You start pouring the drinks you chose water for yourself and milk for him. He looks like he likes milk and you think you made a good decision. So you sit and wait at the table as he brings the eggs over and the pepper and salt with his tail, How talented! You both eat but in the middle of eating you get a knock at the door you say "I'll get it," And get up and answer the door. Charlie, Standing there with a grin quickly blurts out, "IM SO EXCITED TO HAVE YOU HERE! TODAY WERE DOING TRUST FALLS AT 7:30!' you slam that door in her face and walk over and continue eating sir pentious speaks up, "What did she want?" "Trust falls." "Damnit. I always fall."

You two chat in the elevator and walk up to the trust fall lobby thingy the sinners Angel dust, Alastor,Husk,Nifty,Vaggie and Charlie. Sir pentious sighs and speaks. "I hate this game. Nobody catches me. AND MY FUCKING HEAD HURTS AFTER." You sigh and pat his shoulder "Its okay"

Sir pentious sighs and rolls his eyes, As Charlie suddenly speaks. "Okay so! Line up." You and the others line up, Charlie speaks again "Husk! You're the first." Husk takes a sip of whiskey and steps up onto the stage and mumbles, "Better catch me." Husk crosses his arms and falls. The other sinners ignore but Angel catches him. Charlie smiles and claps her hands very fast while yelling "Bravo! Bravo Okay so.. Hmmmm.. New guy- Girl- uhhh-" "Any. Preferably a guy." "Okay thanks for informing me! New guy Y/N next!" You are a little bit nervous but steps up and cro–

-ss your arms and breathe in and peek behind you.. Nobody is there to catch you. But you close your eyes and fall. You feel the air and something grabs you. You haven't fell yet.. You..You've been caught? You open your eyes and look up at the handsome figure who caught you its..Sir pentious? He suddenly speaks. "You've been caught." He sets you down and you get up as Charlie watches and whispers something to vaggie. As vaggie responds with another whisper. And a slight chuckle as she puts a hand on Charlie's shoulder. Charlie asks for everyone to line back up. They do so as the trust falls go, The more you can see sir pentious nervous

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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