Chapter 1 The War Begins

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We see a destroyed Inkopolis buildings falling and breaking down Inklings and Octolings running in fear as the Army's soldiers trying to fight back the Alexis's Army.

But how did this started ? Well let's go back

2 hours ago

Far away from Inkopolis we see a group of Alexis's soldiers setting up a big missile launcher with Jenny Commanding them

Jenny: Can You All Hurry Up We Are Already Off Schedule !

Octo Soldier: We are working as fast as we can

Jenny: Well Work Faster There Soldiers Will Be There Soon !

Octo Soldier: Roger Roger

Jenny starts walking over to Alexis thinking she should just betray Alexis right now and gets this done quicker

Mysterious Voice: I know what you are thinking don't

Jenny: Why shouldn't I ?

Mysterious Voice: Because if you do that now you will have both The Army and the Alexis's Army fighting you

Jenny: So I can easily take them all down

Mysterious Voice: Must I remind you there new elite soldiers that will rip you a part not to to mention there new project

Jenny: Fine but if we lose I'm leaving and finishing the task

Mysterious Voice: Understood

Just as Jenny finished talking to the Mysterious Voice she sees Alexis commanding the elites

Alexis: Once you find him I want him bought to me alive

Elite Soldiers: Affirmative

Alexis: Now Move It And Wait For The Signal !

As the Elite Soldiers move out she sees Jenny walking to her

Alexis: Jenny what's the update on the missile's ?

Jenny: There almost set up

Alexis: Perfect soon we can show our fire power

Jenny: Why are we even waiting ? We should just attack now

Alexis: Beacuse then we kill move of there soldiers before they even release we were already set

Jenny: It still feels like a waste of time

Alexis: Don't worry Jenny we will attack soon very soon

While Alexis's Army is getting setup we go back to Inkopolis and see Gage walking around talking to Marina on the phone

Gage: Yes Rina I'm coming

Marina: Well what's taking you so long ?

Gage: Well I try taking the short cut but we I try it was block off

Marina: But that place hasn't been use in years

Gage: I know I was confused to

Gage then hears a bunch of Inklings and Octolings running he turns around the corner to see a bunch of Army Soldiers running to building and getting everyone out of building

Gage: What the fuck is going on ?

Marina: What's going on Gage ?

Gage: There's a...

Gage gets cut off by a Army Soldier running and yelling at him

Soldier: Sir You Need To Evacuate This Place Now !

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