14‣ 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩

Start from the beginning


It's obvious he's just the slightest irritated but Felix doesn't care as he nods his head toward the staff, making sure his voice is small and won't meet their ears when he says "They're greeting you" it's simple and he hopes Hyunjin will get the gist but the blond only cocks a brow, takes a single second before nodding his head "Yes" he answers as if Felix wasn't pointing it out but asking a question and it makes the blue-haired sigh "And you're not going to acknowledge them?" Felix's voice is lilted with a tinge of vexation and it forces Hyunjin to knit his brows

Gaze back at him like he's asked him to perform a cartwheel amid the shopping center as he turns his head to look back at the staff and then at Felix, thrown in a predicament as if it is all too hard to just nod his head in the workers' direction and end the greeting there. Two slow seconds slipped away and Felix was about to start a long monologue of manners and ego before Hyunjin cut his expressions of distaste short and looked back at the staff, giving them a nod and earning soft gasps from their side as they only lowered their heads further 

"Is that enough?" 

he asks, turning to the blue-haired again who still has a grip on his wrist, and Felix nods softly, glad that Hyunjin hadn't put up an argument and raised cause for bitterness to rise between them. Felix looks at the staff when Hyunjin grabs his hand, the blue-haired bows slightly at them and the only one that catches a glimpse of him bowing smiles vividly while Hyunjin drags him away with their hands interlaced.

At first, Hyunjin doesn't realize it, doesn't notice that he had committed the act of holding Felix's hand simply because he was running low on time and needed to get moving, but now, a few seconds later with their feet moving and about, he could feel the familiar eccentric feeling return and flutter in his chest like it was hoisting flags of some sort. His eyes remained narrowed, glaring at whatever came in his path because his head was too fixated on how small Felix's hand felt in his own and how warm it was, as if ideally made for his own large and cold one

a soft shade of pink threatened to spread on Hyunjin's cheeks but he was quick to halt the blood that desired to rush to his face as he looked up at the name of a store on their left and led Felix toward its door "Oh wait, not this one, something cheaper, I haven't got my salary yet" Felix tugged at his hand and stopped him from moving forward, confessing casually as he continued to look around and find a store within his range.

Truth is, he was on a venture for his birthday outfit, a new one because he had worn the one he originally bought the day after Chan broke up with him to the club where he then met Hyunjin. And since he normally always grabs dinner and goes to a bar later with his friends on his birthday, he wouldn't want to repeat an outfit. He's always liked wearing fresh and new clothes while entering another year of his life and he wasn't going to let go of that custom all because a boy dumped him and broke his heart

Hyunjin's eyebrows furrowed when he gazed at Felix "How does that matter?" confusion was written all over his face and his words made Felix look at him "What do you mean how does that matter?" now there are two of them who are confused and that doesn't make things any better, neither do their intertwined hands because Felix's stomach fluttered just the littlest bit and he's doing everything not to pay attention to that feeling "How does it matter if you haven't gotten your salary yet, you're not the one paying" He speaks as if it was obvious

Felix stares at him for a second before furrowing his brows "Uh...yes, I am? I am the one who came to shop remember?" He raises his previously knitted brows and Hyunjin nods "Yes" Either one of them is missing a point here and they both look incredibly dumb "And? I am going to pay because I initiated to shop, because I need to buy clothes?" Felix is so close to pulling the relatively controversial face he makes around Seungmin whenever he's confused, the one where he twists his face and it looks like...just questionable

𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐦; 𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now