The Apartment

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Monday morning, I came to the coffee shop for my new normal, a croissant and iced coffee. Sadly, Gracie wasn't working today but Steve was nice too, just not as talkative. He was normally only here in the afternoons, so I wondered why he was in, and Gracie wasn't. As Steve handed me my coffee, I asked "How come Gracie isn't in today?" "She called in sick believe it or not! It's not like her to do so, I think it honestly might be her first call off after working here for almost two and a half years." Steve said. Oh no, I hope she's okay I thought was I started to walk to my window seat. As I sat and stared out to the damp, rainy street the bell rang a few times, the faint sound of squeaky wet shoes ringing in my ears and the coffee aroma strong in the air. My thoughts were rumbling about working on Joan's son's apartment and my date with Theo tomorrow night. Getting ready to leave to go to work I thought, no running into Theo this morning and I let out a small sigh.

Stepping into work 15 minutes early I started gathering my things and I could hear Caitlyn fumbling in with her coffee and bags, I got up to give her a hand before I left to go to Joan's sons and start my long couple of days ahead of me. The new stuff for the apartment is getting dropped off by my friend Kory, he owns a moving business and helps me out by picking up and dropping off things for my projects at a very reasonable price. Whatever he wants to take after we are finished from what was old and the client does not want back, he gets to keep. Kory also charges me $100 which is not bad for all of the things he brings in and takes back to my supply room, where I keep all of the materials I need for any future clients. I say my goodbye to my emploeyees and start to head over to meet Joan, she is just staying for a short while to look some things over and let me in.

Stepping back into the apartment I am amazed yet again by the beautiful chandelier. "Sarah it's amazing to see your beautiful face again, how have you been lovely?" Joan started off with as she kissed my cheek. "I am doing great! Why don't we get this started, my friend Kory should almost be here, I am going to meet him downstairs and help bring some things up." I spoke. She nodded her head and said, "I will come down with you and help you guys bring stuff in." She is very sweet, surprising her son with this and just overall a nice lady. "You know I wish my son would settle down and find a beautiful, sweet lady like you, Sarah." Joan told me. I started blushing "Oh stop it, if you keep sweet talking to me, you may get yourself a discount" I said with a wink.

As we waited for Kory the doorman was chatting with Joan, I was on my phone checking over an email fast for another client. I saw Kory pulling over on the side of the road, so I nodded to Joan, and we walked outside to help him grab some smaller items while he grabbed some of the big items and we headed upstairs to the 25th floor. On the way up I introduced Joan and Kory, we all made chit chat while taking the long ride up the elevator. Kory had just had his first daughter, so he was showing us pictures and talking about her, she was sure a cutie. After we brought in the first load of materials Kory ran back down for more while I started to work my magic. "Why don't I start in this amazing kitchen. It definitely needs a little something to pull from the ivory cupboards!" I suggested to Joan, while placing a royal cut crystal decanter with a fine whiskey inside in the middle of the island and a small black statue near the fridge. I hung up some artwork with colors to add some spice t the kitchen and finished it off with black hand towels hanging off of a hook, overlooking the phenomenal farmhouse sink.

Making my way into Joan's son's room, a very masculine aroma hits my nose, it smelled so wonderful. The room was dark, there was a desk set up in the corner with a closed laptop, a cup of pens, some papers and a small lamp upon it. Near the desk was a large chest of drawers, with a buttoned shirt poking out, like he had shut it in a rush. Across the room was a large king size bed, with a small nightstand sitting beside it. Everything was in a place, organized. After making a few small touches to his bedroom, I decided to call Joan to lock up and go home for the day, I had arrived at 8 this morning, it was now 7 at night and I was exhausted and ready to get home to call Jazmine about my date tomorrow and go to sleep.

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