The Wait

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After Theo had saved my life, I had no more time to chat, I needed to get to work because be choking made me late. We exchanged numbers, he stayed in the coffee shop and I went on my way down the street. As I walked to work reminiscing over my morning I almost died and somehow, I may have also found someone for me. That was not set up by an old lady, in her final effort have a grand baby. Thinking about it, I don't know the first thing about dating, texting or anything like that, I am going to need some advice. The walk to work thankfully was unproblematic and thankfully, it's just a short walk down Park Avenue to Sarah's Designs, the interior design store I own. Once I get closer, I notice there's a few people standing out front, looking down at my watch I sigh and pick up the pace seeing that it is 7:08. What would have happened if Theo wasn't there to save me, who would take care of my store? Maybe I should give one of my employees a copy of the key, incase of emergencies, why haven't I thought of this before?

After opening the store letting my employees in and a few customers, I went to my office to take care of some paperwork and make a few calls. Caitlyn, my assistant manager, steps into my office and lets me know a client is looking for me on the floor. I close the email I was typing out and head out of my office. Once arriving on the floor, I am greeted by a gorgeous woman, who looks to be in her mid-fifties. "Hello! Welcome to Sarah's Designs, I am Sarah, I heard you were looking for me. How may I help you?" I asked with a smile. "Why hello Sarah, I am Joan. My son just purchased a new apartment not too far from here, I was looking to surprise him with New York's finest interior designer" Joan said with a smile on her face. "Oh, you are too sweet! You came to the right place. Why don't you come over here with Caitlyn for some basic information while I go in the back and grab some binders to start us off with" I said while leading her over to Caitlyn's desk.

         Bringing out multiple binders, I meet Joan at Caitlyn's desk then had her follow me to my office. We were chatting all while looking through the binder, she would choose an item and I marked it down on my sheet, to know what to grab from the warehouse. Randomly Joan started "Sarah I have a question." "Yes, is there an issue with anything you've seen" I answered. "No, of course not! I was wondering if you were seeing anyone?" Joan questioned. I started blushing instantly, like I did every time I was asked that question. "I am not seeing anyone, and I am not looking for any dates, but thank you Joan" I said with a soft smile, tapping her hand as an apology. She claimed her and her son were very close, and that his apartment came fully furnished. Joan overheard him saying he wanted to hire an interior designer  because he did not care for how it looked when he moved in but did not have the time to make the calls and meetings for it, so that's why it is such a big surprise. He wanted the apartment because of the gorgeous view, not for the stuff inside. As Joan was choosing, I realized she did have very good taste, everything she was picking I would have gone with. Maybe I should offer her a job!

"So, you will come to his apartment at 7:30 Friday evening? I will make sure to get him out of the place, everything so far looks amazing. I can't wait to see it all when it's done!" Joan says while packing up her things. "Yes ma'am, I will be there, it should only take an hour so he doesn't need to be out all night!" I said. After the 3-hour meeting with Joan, I was ready for lunch. "Caitlyn, thank you for your help. Would you want to go get Chinese food with me?" I asked. "Oh, yes please! I skipped breakfast rushing to work, and you were late anyways!" she chuckled. We placed our order and walked together to get it. "So, have any things changed with your love life yet? Or are you still single as a pringle?" Caitlyn inquired. "Well...-" I started, "NO WAY! After all this time WHO? When? Where? Can I meet-" Caitlyn cuts me off, then I cut her off "Woah, take a breath! I met him this morning. I was late because first i spilled my coffee and he-" now Caitlyn cut me off "He WHO?!" I finished, "Theo is his name and it started off with helping me clean up my coffee and sat with me after to sip coffee and talk. I ended up choking on my daily doughnut and he ended up saving my life..." Caitlyn replied "That is love at first sight! Oh, how cute." "I'm hoping he gives me a call or text today; I did love those dark brown eyes. But I also have no idea what it's like in the dating world. Do I make the first move, or does he? Do you still pick up the phone and call, or is it all just texting now?" I said.

Getting back to the office, I headed back to my office to finish my phone calls and paperwork. I had checked my phone 5 times already, in hopes Theo had texted me, or left a message. No such luck yet, hopefully later! As the day dragged on, I kept trying to keep my head on work, but it kept wandering to Theo. I had never felt like this about anyone before, I can't keep him out of my head. Around 4 o'clock I sent home my employees, other than Joan we only had a few clients stop in, the rest was just paperwork that I could handle alone. I grew too impatient and sent Theo a text... "Hey. Long time no doughnut" I sent. As soon as I sent it I immediately regretted it, that sounded so silly but it's too late now. Three hours had gone by and still, no text. My thoughts started going crazy, once again.  I knew I screwed up by sending that stupid text, I should've just waited for him to call or text me first! While I stressed over a man I had only known for less than half an hour, I started making myself a microwaveable meal, something quick and easy so I can start doing more planning for Joan's son. It was a harder task, decorating a home for someone, not knowing exactly what they want because they are going through a third party. It was difficult to know the persons full personality through someone else to redesign an entire flat!

          I was just getting ready for bed when I heard my phone ping, I ran over to see who it was. Theo's name came across my screen, I couldn't help but smile just by seeing his name. "I really hope you are feeling better Sarah. I doughnut think you should eat those anymore lol" His reply read. I laughed even harder now than I did when I started choking on the doughnut. He sure had a sense of humor along with his very gorgeous features. I need to stop obsessing, I only just met him and I was waiting by my phone for him to text me back, giggling at his messages! There is just something about him...

The Winter ProposalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora