Chapter 5

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I decided I wanted to talk about this with seulgi. So when I arrived In our dorm I greeted her and then started to tell her my story about the shower and then our conversation in the practice room, about our kiss, her jaw dropped at this part, and about our meeting a few minutes ago I wanted to know what I should do but what I became was:„Omg that's why you had to clean the rooms" she said while laughing.

„Come on Seulgi that's not funny" I asked her because she always has a solution for everything but she just didn't stop laughing. She took me into her arms and we sat down on the sofa. „Sweetie, you grew up" she said smiling. „Let's sleep in the living room today and just talk and watch Netflix. What do you think?" nothing is better than those nights with seulgi „we didn't do this in so long!" I said excited „I'll count that as a yes. What do you wanna eat today?"

We were eating Instant ramen and watching twenty five twenty one „okay but now tell me. What am I gonna do?" I asked again, she looked at me a bit confused „what do you mean what are you gonna do? He likes you, obviously, it will all find its place. You just have to be patient. And don't let go" she said while stroking my back.

We woke up to my Handy ringtone. A few hot chocolates and kdramas later. We both looked at eachother cause we exactly knew what day it is. Winter and Soyeon burst into the room. „It's our debut!!!!" Soyeon screamed. „We made it! We made it! We made it" Seulgi and I stood up and we jumped around a little bit.

Our manager also came in and congratulated us. He told us that he organized a party for us, And invited Xikers Ateez and even the Ceo. So we all can have a big dinner together and watch the music video when it comes out 8pm.

We didn't do much that day, we spent time together and FINALLY got our phones back. I called mom and dad. We all cried a little bit and then went down to film some dance challenges. San and Hongjoong came over to Film one with us so we teached them the dance. It was overall really fun.

We went back to our dorms to get ready for our little party. I haven't been so happ in sooo long. We dressed really fancy and took some photos together. I was wearing a short dress and a high ponytail. We were completely overdressed but that didn't matter.

So we went down and started bowing nonstop to greet our Managers, dance teachers, vocal coaches, producers and of corse Ateez, Xikers and the Ceo. Seonghwa and I made a long eye contact before I sat down on the table in the middle of the room.

The atmosphere was really good, we are the first girlgroup to debut under KQ. So everyone was excited to see the Mv. We talked and ate all the delicious food. 7:38pm I decided to go outside to text my parents to make sure they don't forget to watch my debut as soon as it publishes.

The door I came through opened and Seonghwa came into the hallway. He followed me. „Hey" he said while rubbing his neck. „I wanted to tell you that I'm proud of you and of course happy, congrats" I looked at him with my phone in my hand. I quickly typed the message for my mom and sent it. „Thank you Seonghwa, I'm also really happy" then he came closer to hug me.

His body was so warm. His hands on my back and his skin on mine. I forgot the world around as. We were standing like this for a few minutes. When I said that we have to go back in. Otherwise we would miss the Countdown. I took a step back and said that I would go first and he should wait a bit before following. But before I could open the door he grabbed my arm „let's meet in the library again when all this is over, to celebrate you're debut" he winked and let go of me I smiled and nodded. Then I entered the loud room again

That's what we did. I sat down next to Winter. „What time is it?" she looked on her phone „7:51 they will project the countdown in a few minutes, this is so exciting, and also y/n just so you are prepared, we promised the ceo a performance" she said while cracking her fingers.

That's when I saw the mics that two assistants were holding and placing at the table in front. Our first performance. Luckily I wore safety shorts under my dress. Soyeon seemed very chill about that and while winter was a little nervous, seulgi and I couldn't wait to perform the product of months of hard work.

It got 8 and the lights turned off. And everyone eyes were on the big screen. It showed us four walking our best model walks. I remember how often we had to film the scene because we were walking wrong. And then the instrumentals came in. I started the song. All the hard practice paid off in that moment. Everyone looked at me and listening to the song. Only two people weren't looking at the screen.

Seonghwa had an intense look in his eyes. He stared at me. A slight smile. I couldn't see well in the darkness of the room but I saw him, the contours of his face and the shape of his beautiful lips and his big eyes staring into my soul.

I turned away because I felt the heat rising into my cheeks. I watched the rest of the music video and everyone started clapping when it was over. It was time for us to perform so we got up and bowed. It was a special moment, the ceo smiled and all eyes were on us. Seulgi began „one two" and soyeon winter and I get in „taste the cinnamon" „hello we are cinnamon" seulgi continued with a bright smile. We got on our positions and our muscle memory did the rest. I sang the best I could without warming up.

First I felt uncomfortable with everyone staring at us, but I got used to it and started to enjoy it. I was almost sad when the song ended and the girls and I bowed out of breath to the applause.

„Our first performance girls!" Seulgi said after we sat back down „even without someone having a voice crack" soyeon said laughing. I was overwhelmed by the feeling, and that's the moment I knew, I was fucking born for this. I made the best decision in my life joining KQ, and I never felt better after getting all the praises from everybody, being with my girls and feeling Seonghwas gaze on me.

What a cute moment:) let me know what you think

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