Chapter 4

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Hakuna matata ya oh oooh. Stream super Lady. Anygays let's start!


- N/y view -

We arrived at the gym and started doing our exercises separately. Until seonghwa walked up to me. „I'm bored" he said. I laughed „you are bored?" I had to laugh even more. „You're supposed to workout who said it's going to be fun" I said provocative.

„But today it's harder" he pouted „okay so what am I gonna do?" I asked jokingly, seonghwa got serious. „Kiss me" I tried to laugh but my throat was suddenly dry so nothing really came out. I cleared my throat.

„Seonghwa I..." I began „I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that it's just since you were a trainee I really liked youre aura, I wanted to spend time with you, but we both had our own lifes and now we are so close, and you are being so, I'm sorry, I'll just go so you can do youre workout"

This isn't really happening. Not Park seonghwa confessing that he has interest IN ME this just can't be true. „Seonghwa, Stop. I didn't even say anything. You know what? I won because I actually already liked you before I joined KQ" I said before I moved closer. There were only a few more centimeters between us. Even though I was smaller I could feel his breath.

He closed the gap between us with one step and connected our lips. It felt like we were both waiting for this kiss way to long. After a few seconds I pulled away to catch breath and then wrapped my arms around his neck, pulled him close and kissed him again. He moved his hands on my back and in my hair.

„Yah! You two. Seonghwa get off her" I jumped away we looked at eachother in shock and then to the door. Where our manager stands with an angry face. We bowed and seonghwa began to say sorry but the manager didn't care „you two will get scolded for that and don't you dare do that again or even start dating if you haven't already" he came closer and pulled me out of the room. I guess Training was over. I looked back to seonghwa he had an excusing look, that broke my heart.

In the next days our manager was always looking at me I was never alone. He had a warning look on his face. As if I'm a criminal for kissing seonghwa. Speaking of seonghwa, how was he? I haven't seen him since that day in the Gym.

I had a meeting with the manager and he told me that I will have no free time this whole month and he made sure I had extra practices, also I had to clean all the practice rooms. He really made sure I wouldn't have any free time besides sleeping and eating.
But he didn't tell the ceo, what I'm thankful for, although he didn't had to be so hard on me.

- seonghwas view -

Why was it so hard. I haven't seen y/n in days. I missed her but I can't do anything. Her manager came to me and told me if he'd see me in the dorms of the girls again he would go tell the ceo and our manager.

I've been in KQ for a long time but I just couldn't risk anything because of y/n she was going to debut and if she'd get kicked I would feel bad my whole life.

- y/n view -

Time passed and I'm thinking of seonghwa and our kiss every night. Our manager was still a little watchful. But everything was back to normal, with only one difference. Seonghwa wasn't there. Where was he, I met Mingi this morning and also Wooyoung a few times.

I was almost completely convinced that he took a break or was on hiatus, maybe he was sick or it was a family death or maybe it was because of me? Did I do something wrong? I just really hoped he was okay.

As i was thinking about what could have happened to him I was walking to the practice room, I wanted to do some warm up and maybe do a little freestyle session to get seonghwa out of my mind, until I suddenly bumped into someone „seonghwa!" he looked a little worried but surprised. „Hey" he whispered looking around to check if some manager was near. No one was there. „I missed you where were you? Are you okay? I'm so sorry for what happened. Did you get some punishment? I had to clean for one month. But that's not important are you okay?" I said so fast that I almost chocked

„Y/n I really like you maybe even more than that but we can't meet here anymore we got caught once, they will not be this understanding anymore and I don't want them to kick you"

I don't know why but his words hit me hard. I couldn't even really think about what he said. His words stuck in my head. „Maybe even more than that" it was a sweet bitter feeling that overcame me.

„I agree, we have to talk. Maybe we can meet somewhere" I didn't want to talk, but I had to admit he was right. I didn't wanna end my career just now.

A few days passed. I was busy with my schedule. But when the day came I got really excited for no reason. We agreed to meet 6pm in a little library near the KQ building. where seulgi and I used to go in our trainee days. The library was never full you are alone almost every time so we thought no one would interrupt us.

I spend an hour getting ready I put on some decent makeup that I had to redo 3 times because I didn't like it. And then I chose to wear a black skirt with some high socks and black boots. On top my favorite purple hoody.

When I arrived seonghwa was already there. I was right, it was completely empty. Only an old man sitting behind the desk and reading an old book. Seonghwa patted on the spot next to him, so I sat down. He had some black high waist straight leg pants on and on top a simple white tugged in shirt. He looked perfect.

We sat there for a while and then Seonghwa started talking „I'm scared" I looked at him „why?" he didn't look at me „It was a mistake to kiss you" ouch „but I would do it again, i just don't want them to kick you out y/n" I looked away. In my head I just thought, he would do it again, I smiled „I don't think they will kick me out. At this point I'm more afraid of being lonely like in the past months than being kicked out, I'm convinced that if everything works out between us, we can make it work for everyone else. don't worry"

He didn't said anything. He was probably thinking. I was thinking too. Where should we meet? How should I call him? He ended the silence „If you think we can do it I will give it a chance too. Let's be careful y/n I'm being honest this is a complicated situation and I'm not sure how to manage this. But I promise we will meet again soon okay?"

I didn't know what he meant by all this. Does he want to date? Or not? Was I to direct? Yeah probably. I'm sure he wanted to talk about something else. I'll just give him some time to think. I also have to figure out some things. But nothing really matters, now that I know there isn't a big border between us anymore


I thought I should start the drama before you get bored 😂 hope you liked it

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