Uncompleted Love (J)

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Book: Uncompleted love

Author: snowywrym

Reviewer: J

Title: (10/10)

I like the title, and how it gives to the plot of the story.

Book cover: (10/10)

I love the visuals featured in the cover, and how it blends in with the color, and titles of the author and book shown. The editing and aesthetic fits the characters well.

Blurb: (8/10)

 It only shows quotes, and it reminds me of something an A03 creator would put, i like it, but that doesn't give any details about your story or characters or what you are portraying.

Overall theme: (7/10)

The main theme revolves around a BTS character and Y/N maid trope around the difference in time period. To me, I like it, if it's written right and fully consensually between the two characters. 

First chapter/ Intro: (6/10)

 I know what the author is trying to do with the first chapter, to set up the characters, but honestly it would explain much more clearly if you can explain the characters (background/main and the setting) more accurately to people who might not know these characters like me. I do love the backstory of the BTS member.

Pace: (5/10)

The story is moving very quickly, to me, the periods are appearing, not expanding on what's happening with current events in 1887 like with background characters that don't get expanded on like the BTS's mom and dad. 

The spacing and the time spacing can be adjusted to fit the story, It would be good if the 1887 time period could be shown in flashbacks, more throughout or the 2022 time periods can be explained more, and not just boys harassing the Y/N character as a joke only once. (I get this is a representation of men today, but it would be to get to see how the BTS guy and Y/N interacts in both periods) and more in the introduction part about the characters. I feel like this could have been a slow burn, as this feels like this happened over a 1 - 2 day or weeks period of someone falling in love.

Character development: (7/10)

Lovely interactions between BTS and Y/N, but it would be lovely to see more growth between them, and more bonding moments, instead of him blushing, and then falling in love, and whispering about her.

Grammar and vocabulary: (4/10)

Multiple misspellings and grammar, it confuses me halfway reading it, but I understand what you meant after asking in the comments.

Plot: (10/10)

 Good plot! Could just not been sexualized more between the two mains.

Tips or changes:

- Fix your spelling

 - Respond to criticism with maturity 

 - More information about characters 

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