ɴᴇᴡ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ...?<5>

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The moment [y/n] stepped a foot out of the hospital she got stuck with her father, he was around in nearly everywhere

The only moment he leaves her alone when he has some hero work to do and then it comes her new nanny's turn to stick to her...

She wasn't able to visit her friend, hell she wasn't being able to breathe!

Right now she was sitting on her bed pretending to be sleeping, her nanny was probably down cooking something for herself and the girl told her to not interrupt her sleeping

'oi, I am hungry, it's been five days'

She looked above her at the annoying figure who was dangling half of his body from the ceiling, annoyed at the demon's behavior

"Don't look at me like that, it's not my problem that papa got super over protective over me....." She crossed her arms and pouted "thinking about it you were the reason from the start! If you hadn't barged in and attacked me and my past nanny, I could have gone to see Shimura-san by now...." She mumbled... feeling bad about the boy who's probably freezing in the streets now

He growled quietly at her before hopping from the ceiling to the ground next to her bed

'Get up then, we will be moving'

"But what if nanny came to check on me and realized I wasn't tucked in the bed? She will be telling papa"

He smiled and his big smile

'and who said she will know?' he used his index finger and spun it a little, making some ink come out of nowhere and gathering together to make a figure...her figure

'now she wouldn't realize the difference' he said while crossing his arms, he looked between her and the newly made doll 'yeah it had the same stupid face'

When the newly made doll opened her eyes, she didn't have any eye color....her eyes were just lighting a blue bright yellow

"Wow!" [Y/n] got up from her bed before circling around the doll "it's just like me ! How did you manage to do it?? Am I able to do it too?"

'if you were able to take control over my powers and use it fluently yes, but if you have that weak body no, so the final answer is no'

She sighed before looking at the doll that was walking to the bed laying down and closing her eyes

She smiled before leaning down under the bed to grab her shoes, she put it on and grabbed a bag with some snacks in it since she couldn't walk to the kitchen and get some real food

But then realized something

"Haven't you seen bendy?" She asked while looking around the room

'What is that?'

"Bendy, my black cat"

'ah, that fureball, it tasted so bad'




"You ate her!?! How dare you!!" The girl said before throwing a stuffed animal towards him that he easily avoided

'you were the one who ignored me when I said I was hungry!'

"How was I supposed to bring something for you to eat when I am stuck here in my room!"

If his eyes were visible she was sure that he will be rolling them, but with that amount of ink covering them it was impossible to know

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